Page 247 of Face Off Flirting

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I mean, eventually the police or someone would show up and direct traffic.


Behind me, I saw the figure of a man in a vehicle.

He waved his hands around.

As irritated as me over the red light thing.

To my right, another car.

The windows were tinted almost completely black.

The shaking feeling moved from my hands to my arms.

Up to my neck.

Down throughout my body.

By the time the light did change green, I found myself in a complete state of fear.

No matter how hard I tried to talk myself down, the fear rose up. It collected. Built on itself.

The car behind me beeped their horn.

I let out a small scream.

Still frozen in place, I saw the green light. I knew I was supposed to go.

But the thought of going home?

What if he’s there again? Huh? What if he pulled some crazy move and escaped from jail and is coming after me? And you know this time it will be really bad. I’m the reason he got beat up by Seb and I’m the reason he’s in jail. I can’t go home. I have to get out of here. I can’t do this!

The car behind me beeped again.

Then the car sped around me, horn honking.

Soon, everyone started to pass me.

All that did was make me panic even more.

I somehow found the ability to drive just as the light turned yellow.

I sped through the intersection, which only pissed off more drivers.

That part I understood.

I looked like a bad driver.

They just didn’t know I was afraid to go home because I thought someone was waiting to murder me.

Did I really just think that?

My heart raced as I finished the drive home.

Home. I can’t call it home. This is not home.

First thing on my list had been to move.
