Page 264 of Face Off Flirting

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“Socks don’t count,” Rome said. “No matter how many times you come into one.”

“Wow, I’m really glad I came out for drinks tonight,” Henry said.

“I’m leaving,” Atlas said. “Not because of the sock stuff. I want to get home to my girls.”

“His girls,” Jago said. “That’s so sweet.”

“I think it’s adorable,” April said. “You’re a good father, Atlas.”

“Appreciate that,” Atlas said to April.

He threw money on the table and left.

The rest of the guys slowly began to leave too.

The table cleared out, leaving April and I alone.

“Stay or go?” I asked.

“Part of me wants to hang out all night with you,Sebby.”

“Is that the fantasy part of you?”

April nodded. “The thought of you and I hanging out. You picking a fight. Winning. It’s all so wrong to think but I can’t help it.”

“Pick my opponent then,” I teased.

April held up a finger. “The other part of me is picturing us out on the balcony at the apartment. Naked.”

It was now calledthe apartment.

April insisted on helping with the bills and whatnot.

Zero need for her to do that. I had a fantasy of spoiling her and she shot that one down hard. She and her friends started a business consulting company and it was going really awesome for them.

A handful of loyal-to-them clients from their old place transferred over.

When her old boss Jeff tried to threaten to go to the big bosses and threw out the word lawsuit, I set him straight. Funny enough, I didn’t even have to hit the guy. I just had my lawyer give him a not-so-friendly call and in legal terms tell him to fuck off.

Which he did.

I covered the rest of the tab the guys left behind and April and I were out of there.

We walked down to the beach, holding hands on the entire walk back to the apartment.

I got us each another drink and went out to the balcony for our naked time.

I sat down in a chair and nodded to her.

She stepped toward me and next thing I knew she was curled up in my arms.

We kissed for a few minutes.

Her lips tasted like beer and barbecue sauce.

I never loved anyone like I loved her.

I never would either.
