Page 41 of Face Off Flirting

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“Enjoy your best friend’s sister!” Rome called out.

Everyone started to laugh.

I twisted the cap off my beer bottle and took a drink.

With my free hand I waved my middle finger at everyone.

I drank half the beer in one gulp, then let out a longahhsound.

“Atlas,” I said. “How’s the baby?”

“She’s amazing,” Atlas said.

His eyes lit up with pride. Amazing what a tiny baby did to a guy the size of Atlas.

True love had a way of doing that.

“When is she coming home?” Joe asked.

“Soon,” Atlas said. “Everything is… just soon…”

Atlas actually smiled.

It was a strange sight.

“Look at him smiling,” Rome whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. “It’s… scary…”

“You’re worse than normal today,” I said to Rome.

“I’m just saying the truth,” Rome said. “Don’t shoot the messenger.”

“Why can’t we?” Atlas asked.

“Can we talk about my night?” Jago asked.

“Did you fuck your best friend’s sister too?” Rome asked.

I jumped for Rome and he jumped out of the way, laughing.

“I had a great night,” Jago said.

Henry got closer to Jago and put an arm around him. “Listen. Jago. Nobody cares about your dick. Or where it was last night.”

“Unless it was…” Rome started to say.

He looked at me.

“I’ll fucking kill you,” I said with half a smile.

“Okay, it’s been said enough,” Joe said. “What’s the deal, Sebastian? Your best friend’s sister?”

“It’s not what Rome’s sick mind thinks,” I said. “I’ve known April since she was a kid. Mouth full of braces. Just…”

“I bet this is anugly duckthing,” Rome said.

“It’sugly duckling,” Atlas said.

“No,” Rome said. “It’s a duck. The duck is ugly. And then it’s not ugly.”
