Page 74 of Face Off Flirting

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All the while she kept eating the health bars.

One after another, chomping on them like a kid left alone with a batch of chocolate chip cookies.

She offered me a health bar numerous times.

I was only able to decline for so long.

I chose a blueberry one because that was my favorite fruit.

I made it through two bites before I felt like I was going to vomit.

The rest of the time I stuck the wrapper to my mouth and pretended to eat it.

It really felt like another shitty day here for sure.

I asked myself if I was back home and had this client what would I do?

Run like hell, right?

Sabrina decided to take a break and meditate on the beach.

Aurora went to her desk to take a nap.

As soon as I was alone, my phone went off with another text.

I cringed, fearing the worst.

This time it was Seb.

Sorry about this morning. I blame the ginger from last night. And seeing your nipples. Come to the game tonight. I’ll have a ticket waiting for you.

I thought about replying.

To point out the fact that Seb didnotsee my nipples.

At least not my bare nipples.

He saw my nipples inside my shirt.

There was a big difference.

Was there though?

I looked around the room.

The boxes of health bars.

Seb sent another text.

A winking emoji.

Then another text.

If you decide to show up, dress appropriate. You cannot distract me with your nipples… or your crappy tasting health bars.

Then another winking emoji.

I curled my lip.
