Page 77 of Face Off Flirting

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She never replied to my texts about coming to the game so I figured she was either too busy for me or just really pissed at me over this morning.

I smiled and nodded at her.

She smiled back and then held up one of those disgusting health bars.

The one with the ginger in it.

What a pain in the ass.

It was time to play hockey.

I felt a surge of energy hit me the second before the puck was dropped.

I tried to tell myself it was only because of the game. The team. Because of Jago wanting revenge. Because it was near the end of the season and these were our last moments on the ice before a break.

Unless I went overseas to play.

Which a lot of guys did.

The love of the game…

That’s when I realized I was thinking about April.

Go overseas and play? With April here?

As though April planned on living with me for months, right?

I lost the face-off big time.

Within ten seconds, San Francisco had the first shot on goal.

The puck dinged off the top of the crossbar.

That was a wakeup call for me.

I looked at Jago.

Through his mask, his eyes were angry.

I turned and skated down the ice.

Rome and Henry going with me.

I dumped the puck behind the net.

Henry went in and delivered a killer hit.

The boards shook with a thundering boom and the fans cheered.

Rome dug the puck out of a mess of players and flicked it toward me.

I was in perfect position for a shot.

I brought my stick back and felt a sharp pain at the middle of my back.

I dropped to one knee and heard the sound of a whistle.

As I jumped up and turned, Atlas was already there, taking care of business.
