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“Fuck, I need to introduce you to the benefits of conditioner,” I babble to fill the stale silence. My hair feels even worse than usual, scratchy and heavy upon my he-

“Whaaaaaaaat the fuck did you do?!” I catch sight of myself in a mirror. It has elongated rabbit ears so I need to duck to see my full reflection. “My hair!” My hands hover over the lengths, not wanting to touch it. Protruding from my scalp, the brambles of a holly bush in ripe season fall to my lower back. Tiny spikes shine amongst the red berries flourishing from my damn head, giving me the appeal of a forest nymph.

“It’s okay, don’t panic,” Mary Ann reassures me, heaving the large window open. Whistling weakly, it takes a few seconds before the hum of wings can be heard. A sea of blackbirds blocks out the otherwise grey sky as they swarm into the room and attack me. Beaks peak at my head, spearing my scalp as I scream and bat them away. My hands become victims next so I resort to covering my face. Not my beautiful face.

As quickly as they appeared, the blackbirds flock from the room while I marvel at my blonde lengths in the mirror. Thank fuck for that. Holly leaves surround my feet, plucked free and leaving my hair rather glossy in fact. The blackbirds don’t make it any further though, venturing just beyond the windowsill before exploding in a mass of feathers and guts. Cook screams about her veg patch from the lower level and Mary Ann’s eyes slide to mine sheepishly.

“Forgot they’re allergic to red berries,” she confesses. Fetching a broom to sweep up the leaves, Mary Ann comes to stand behind me, teasing my waves in her fingers.

“Good as new now, Alice.” A bolt of fury zaps through me and I clench my fists, pushing my nails into the flesh of my palms. It’s not her fault, she wasn’t to know about my trigger word. Exhaling deeply, I grit through my teeth.

“It’s Malice now. Mal for short.” My tone makes her flinch back a step, bowing her head in submission.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” she starts to cry. Focusing on my breathing, I briefly close my eyes.

“It’s good, I’m cool,” I tell both her and me. Flexing my fingers wide, I try to ease the quakes of my body. Nope, can’t do it. My eyebrows snap together and I grab a storage unit of duck egg wood and wicker baskets to launch into the mirror. It shatters into the pile of holly leaves, a shudder of release shifting down my spine. Okay, now I’m cool.

“Time for tea?” I ask, perking up with a full smile. A gust of wind blasts through the window, the heavy flap of wings sparking my curiosity. The purple hint of a cashmere jumper catches my attention and my heart judders. Never have I been so happy to be rescued by a man.

Skipping down the freshly cleaned stairs, I enter the kitchen just as Cash does through the other side. His emerald eyes seek me out immediately, a relaxed tilt of his lop-sided lips expelling any trace of trigger-word meltdown that may or may not have just been. I’ve spent years conditioning myself to the insanity of Wonderland, eager to fit in if I were to ever make it back. Now I’m here and I need to make sure there’s no reason for me to leave again.

Slinking his way over to Cook, he places a slow kiss on her cheek, his eyes never leaving mine. “Thank you for your service,” he mutters just beneath the hissing of the pans. Her hands continue to stir bubbling mixtures but Cook’s body angles itself towards Cash, her hips rolling as if they have a mind of their own. And they definitely want him. What did Cash say about sex being a currency in Wonderlust?

Passing her an oversized turnip, she shrieks in glee and hastily begins to chop it up. Cash crosses the kitchen, sweeping his arm around the back of my thick robe and brings those full, sinful lips close to mine. I’mnotcomplaining.

“You ready to go?” he breathes, expelling lust and longing. Or maybe that’s just me.

“Fuck yes,” I agree, my eyes backtracking over my shoulder to see Mary Ann’s sad face. She hangs back by the stairs, her chocolate eyes pleading with my last heart string. Ahh shit. “Should we, you know, take her with us? She could waitress at your club,” I shrug. Even with the thought of her dropping trays of drinks or tripping over her shoelaces, it seems better than leaving her here. Cash merely chuckles, his eyes darkening.

“Oh Malice. You’ve been gone so long; your tale has fallen to legend. And in none of these tales are you betrayed with a bleeding heart.” I stand there after he’s strode away, clearly expecting me to follow. Crossing my arms over my chest, I wait for Cash to turn back and look over my raised eyebrow-twisted lips combo. “You can pout those pretty lips all you like. I can’t remove that girl from here anymore than you can remove your face from my wet dreams. Don’t they have slaves where you come from?”

My head snaps aside, watching Mary Ann retract into the shadows. There’s something about a frail girl being held against her will that resonates with me and I silently vow when I’ve got my bearings, I’m coming back to free her. Right now, however, I barely know how I’m alive and where to begin hunting for the real reason I needed to return. Striding after Cash, chunks of turnip fly over my head as he leads me outside to…

“What the fuck am I actually looking at?” I tilt my head to the side. Two giant wings of glimmering aqua and green flutter around a creature that looks conflicted. An elongated snout stretches in front of beady black eyes, a ruffle of silvery hair shifting around its face. The body of a powerful horse, yet a lengthy curved tail that, like the rest of it, is coated in shimmering scales.

“Sea-horse fly,” Cash frowns. “You haven’t got those in your world either?” Without waiting for a reply, he shoves me up on the horse backwards. My robe parts but I don’t have the chance to arrange myself as Cash hops up a moment later. His thighs run the length of mine, the denim rubbing me just the right way. Topless, other than purple braces, his chest rises and falls steadily beside my cheek. Kicking his foot against the horse’s rump, we shoot into the sky like a firework, soaring high just to explode into a million pieces. Gravity throws me into the solid wall of his body, my hands gripping his hips as a gurgled neigh ripples beneath us.

And you know what, it’s been a rough fucking day. I’ve been shrunk, kidnapped, chased, stabbed, regenerated and now I’m flying, so I put any reservations aside and slam my lips onto Cash’s. Not even a beat passes before he’s leaning into me, grabbing the robe like a lifeline. His lips move with impressive accuracy, curving across mine from corner to corner. Peppermint and licorice cascade over my tongue, his mouth opening to invite me in. The sharp scrape of his teeth only heightens my awareness of the danger lurking beneath his alluring green eyes, and although he’s careful not to dig them too deep, I want more.

A flex of the horse’s muscles shuffles me that last inch forward, grinding my bare pussy over Cash’s zipper.So close yet too far. Breaching the gloomy clouds, sunlight awaits on the other side, blessing us in rays of warmth. Ripping his braces from his broad shoulders, my fingers return to investigate the dip between his traps and biceps. It’s silky soft, his creamy skin practically glowing over the sinew of his muscle.

The robe tie loosens before opening altogether, releasing my body from its confines. The towel-like material flaps open and billows in the wind. Yet Cash doesn’t break our kiss. He lets his hands roam, starting with a yearning squeeze of my neck before trailing down to my breasts. Massaging them with deft fingers, his tongue sweeps away my senses as I reach for his jean’s button. This is happening, we’re fucking on the back of a flying sea horse.

“I can’t take you yet,” Cash growls, his voice a restrained grunt.Yet,sounds promising. “I can’t mark you with my scent.” Okay, that’s a little weirder.

Despite myself, I still push a hand into his pants and palm his solid monster cock. He gently takes my wrist, groaning as he pulls me free of his jeans and I sulk. But now Cash has a full, unobstructed view of me, which is causing his eyes to ignite neon green in his head.

Soaring higher on the sea horse’s powerful wings, every ripple of his defined muscle is on display for me to drool over. A jawline made from granite, abs chiseled from ice and the smoothest, most lick-able skin I ever did see. The closer we venture towards the direct sunlight in fact, the last of my doubts burn into dust. This is exactly where I wanted to be, riding the high of an alternate life and as a bonus, the Tweddles gotbuff. Why deny myself who I’ve always dreamt of being with?

“You happy staring or are you going to show me what you’ve learnt in the past twenty years?” Triggered by my words, Cash grabs my calf and draws it up to rest on his shoulder. His hand trickles down to my thigh, where he grips the fleshiest part like a vice. Then,finally, his fingers enter me in one slick motion and I melt against the sea-horses rigid spine. Curling his digits, Cash finds my g-spot like a missile locked on a target and destruction is his only aim. The complete obliteration of my soul. The release of any inhibitions. The welcome home present I’ve been damn well waiting for.

Pumping his fingers steadily, his green eyes continue to glow, unwavering from mine. Drinking in my moans that are drowned out by the neighs reverberating beneath us. Absorbing every detail of my face as I writhe, desperate for more friction. When I don’t get it, I smooth my own hand towards my clit and Cash promptly withdraws.

“Did I tell you to stop?” I growl.

“I want to watch you,” Cash replies without a flicker off emotion. If it weren’t for his eyes, I could mistake his relaxed posture as completely unaffected by my nakedness sprawled out before him, a glint of mirth sneaking into his smirk.

“What do I look like? A self-service machine? A monkeythat clashes symbols together on demand?! You started this, you damn well fini- “
