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Stopping short of giving myself brain damage, I hurl the lids aside as the applause dies down. My chest is heavy, and when I catch the eye of a concerned four-foot owl in a snazzy jumpsuit, I snarl for her to move the fuck on. I’ve got business to take care of, and a plan to formulate.

Between the chaos battering around my head and doubling over to vomit a furball full of raccoon hair onto the ground, something filtered through.

‘Your men shall be returned.’

So, the red queen is hiding all of the men I’m being accused for…I don’t know what – scaring them away? Who the fuck knows, but what I do know is where there are men, there must be the Hatter. In the one place I’ve been avoiding, he’s probably caged and waiting for my valiant rescue. And after knocking some non-sense into myself, I’m ready to go get him back. With a long exhale, I close my eyes, tap my heels together and pay no notice to the grip closing on the back of my head as I whisper, ‘there’s no place like home.’


Appearing in a suite fit for a king, movement shifts on the huge, heart-shaped bed. Interlinking limbs, bruised bodies. Heads of all hair colors rise, gasping in excitement for the male holding me in place.

“Tweed!” their voices all mutter together. “You’ve returned so soon.”

“He’s back for more and he brought a snack,” a woman with a mermaid tail, gills and pointed teeth smiles. My eyebrows touch my hairline. I notice a hint of feathers and scales amongst the mix before Tweed rushes me from the room with a burst of vampire speed. The scenery blurs, my stomach churning as we spin down a spiral of grey I’d guess is a staircase. Next thing I know, my cheek is being slammed into the hard metal of a locker.

“What the fuck was that?!” I grit out, my elongated mouth smushed. Tweed’s grip on my hair tightens, a spike of discomfort beside my pointed ear becoming apparent.

“You’re bleeding,” he groans as if feeling the pain himself. “Turn back to yourself so I can heal you.” My tiny nostrils flare, my stubbornness screaming to refuse. But then again, the migraine that’s becoming one with my skull isn’t going to do me any favors when I start kicking his ass for being a slutty vampire asshole. Shuddering back into my human body, my legs stretch the two feet I was missing to put me directly beneath Tweed’s heavy breathing that fans my neck. His chest pushes against my back, sandwiching me between the cold metal of his chest plate and the lockers.

“Drink,” he orders, tearing a chunk into his own wrist and pushing it in front of my face. Orange liquid pools there, dripping onto the floor with each second I refuse to obey. Tweed growls, pushing it against my lips and I push them together. Nope, not today. His hand in my hair shifts to wrap around my neck, his fangs brushing my ear.

“Do you want to know your problem, Malice?” I shake my head. “You don’t want to ask the questions burning in your mind, scared of the answers. Scared that your body will still react to me this way.” I snort, but when his knee shifts between my legs, I can feel how wet I am. I didn’t bother trying to fit human underwear around the raccoon’s tail, so now I’m bare and seeping into Tweed’s slacks. Dammit. “I’m the monster of your nightmares, remember? But you can’t hate me. Everything that annoys you about me, turns you on that much more.”

My mouth parts and he pushes his wrist inside. Droplets skate over my tongue, sugary sweet now and my headache eases instantly. Pulling back from him, I lick my lips, savoring his taste. Unlike the bitterness I tasted before, his blood calls to me now. Like the perfect builder’s tea, a mix of sweet and strength that could power me for the rest of the day. But, with the relief of pain, comes another realization.

“My access to Wonderlust is restricted now,” I whisper, cementing the fact to myself. Tweed doesn’t step away, cheek scraping my temple as if he can’t help himself.

“Only to the mainland. You can’t pass into the Shadow Planes with my blood in your system.” I manage a nod, piecing together the queen’s speech I only caught parts of.

“Where Cash’s queen has been banished,” I finish the rest. It makes so much sense he would want to keep me from finding the Queen of Spades. At this point, I have no reservations that she is the one who could help me in my quest the most. The Red Queen is evil, ruthless. She kills whoever she deems a threat and banishes those she can’t. Tweed’s mouth quirks, the hint of a smile touching my cheek when he drops his head.

“You have been listening. Good girl,” his free hand pats the side of my ass. I struggle beneath his dominance, wanting to regain the upper hand. He refuses to budge. “Do you want your reward?”

He’s mocking me, making me ache for him so hard. I want to refuse, but the words never come. So, I do the only thing I can think of to take back a modicum of control. Throwing my head back, Tweed’s nose crunches and his hand on my throat tightens throughout the duration of his roar. “Have it your way.”

I hear the clink of his buckle before a strap of leather whips against my calf. I yelp, trying to reach down to stroke my leg. The strap catches my wrist, then the other in front of me as Tweed deftly loops the buckle through his belt with one hand. Pulling tight, he releases my neck in favor of wrenching my arms upwards, slamming the end of his belt in a locker high above my head. Then I’m left waiting. Trembling for contact, but nothing except for cool air graces the tops of my thighs where the dress has risen.

“Tell me you want me,” he groans. I try to look over my shoulder but Tweed pushes a hand against my cheek to hold my face against the cold metal. Never one to be seen begging, I settle with enough of the truth that my voice doesn’t quiver with anticipation.

“I want you…to kiss me,” I whimper. He chuckles, a raw and unused sound that seems unnaturally cruel. Then why does my pussy clench even tighter? Why do I want to draw that rumble from him a thousand times more?

“A predator doesn’tkisshis prey. He destroys it.” Removing his hand, I see his silhouette in my peripheral vision. A loud clang from his chest plate hitting the floor makes me jump and without time to recover, the back of my dress is flipped up and his cock slams into me. I gasp, pushing myself into the lockers in an attempt to escape his invasion. Tweed rocks himself within me, allowing my pussy to stretch to his manly size.

“Doesn’t that feel better Malice?” His forearms come to rest either side of my head, not an inch of space between us. I rise onto my tiptoes in the wedges, sinking my teeth into my bottom lip. Sliding back, Tweed thrusts into me with the same force as before. “Don’t you love being fucked by your enemy?”

“Yes,” I answer honestly. His fingers trickle up my thighs, his palms spreading my ass.

“Yes, what?” Thumbs toy with the edge of my pussy, Tweed feeling himself sliding in and out of me.

“Yes…cuntface.” The top half of my dress is whipped down, my breasts suddenly exposed and nipples pinched hard.

“Keep goading. You’ll learn to regret it.” I seriously doubt that. Irritating Tweed is the last scrape of control I have left. My body is his, my mind is surrendering. My words are all I can still lay claim to. Tugging on my wrists, I work with Tweed’s increasing rhythm, meeting his thrusts with the same vigour. His groin slaps against my ass, drowning out the muffled cries I try to hold back. My G-spot takes a beating, and when Tweed’s hand rounds to rub my clit, his lips meet my ear.

“Oh, by the way, you’re not allowed to cum.”

“Well, you’re not allowed to be a twit-twat, but you still manage-” Tweed’s dick is torn away, my body spun harshly and thrown into the lockers with my hands twisted.

“You will do as I say, or I will leave you high and dry, wishing for once in your life, you’d let yourself submit to someone.” Tweed’s green eyes begin to glow and I shudder at the wave of power he tries to wash over me. I’m sure such a display had the entire flock in his bed cowering. I’m not so easily persuaded, but I want to be.
