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“Malice, wait,” Tweed calls out. His hand is outstretched, a look of conflict warring in his features. Now I’m even more intrigued. Nearing the tree, a single spear of light through the canopy reflects on a pane of glass. Blinding at first, until I stand directly before it and note the contents. A glass box cemented into the bark, a playing card mounted on a stand inside and red lettering printed across the front. ‘Break me.’ My eyes fall to the amber-spiked hammer in my hand, a replica of those you’d expect to smash a fire alarm seal in the real world.

“For once, justlistento the words I’m saying,” Tweed pleads, scrambling his way towards me. Another Tweedle appears in the entrance, falling still in shock. Cradling the budgie in his palm, Cash’s smile stretches from ear to ear, pride beaming from his puffed-out chest. I can feel his delight from here, washing over me like a warm balm of fuzzy feels.

This is really it. I found it.

Swinging the hammer backwards, gearing up enough strength to smash through the frosted seal, the weapon is plucked from my grip. An arm winds around my waist, a mouth brushes my ear.

“Malice. If you do this, I can no longer help you.” Softly placing the hammer back in my hand, confusing me with the free choice he’s now providing, his hands skate over my stomach. Too soft, drawing a pull of yearning from me. Now’s not the time, and I’m not stupid enough to fall for his trickery. Far too little, way too late

“Help me?!” I bark a laugh, shoving Tweed away. Of all the times he’s been able to manipulate me with tidbits of affection, this will not be one of them.

“All you’ve done is push me away and boss me around. You offer no answers, only more problems. I’ve given you many chances to show me the real you, yet I’ve come to the conclusion there’s no Tweed inside here.” I prod his chest. “Just an emotionless shell of a minion who never cared for me. Go back to your Queen, warn her of the war I’m bringing her way. I will find Hatter, even if I have to kill everyone in my path to do it. Including you. Especially you.”

Silence falls between us, reflected in the daisies that lean closer. Not a breath is passed. Not a word is muttered. Tweed stands a few paces away, tall and sure of himself. He won’t bend to anyone’s will. He won’t be blackmailed or swayed. Not even by me, cementing the fact I never meant anything to him. He took what he wanted, what I willingly gave, and has offered nothing in return.

“Okay Malice. I wish you luck in your venture,” he gives a single nod and turns on his heel. My jaw drops. Wha…I mean, what the fuckitty fuck?! That’s it? After everything I’ve said, after the number of times I forgave his actions in favor of believing the boy I once knew still existed. He turned and left.

Fury rages within my veins. My hand tightens around the hammer, a splinter slicing through the wood. I feel less vilified than if he screamed in my face. If he’d shown me there’s more to him than a duty-bound zombie. I supposed that’s settled then. He’s made his decision and the next time I see Tweed; it’ll be with the full force of an army at my back.

Visions for the times we had together flash behind my eyes as I turn my back on his retreat. The pleasure he made me feel, the small glimpses of ecstasy he showed me through withdrawing control. Despite his attitude, I never felt danger in Tweed’s presence until today. Until right now, when he’s abandoned me without a care in the world. I suppose my instincts were wrong this time. Our choices define us, and mine will set me free of his bullshit. So out of spite, I raise the hammer and smash through the glass barricade.


Atremor shudders through my arm. The glass beneath the amber-spiked hammer cracks, then shatters into a thousand tiny shards. A fluttering rises at my back, not that I’m paying attention. Reaching my hand out, Cash screams through the whooshing filling the tree-framed arena. My name follows and a word that vaguely sounds like…Malfoy? I didn’t know Cash was in Slytherin. I’m more of a Hufflepuff girl myself. Cute and cuddly, brutally honest, complete lack of self-worth.

“Malice!” the shout comes with that strange word again. Ahoy…Deploy…Decoy. My fingers skim the playing card’s surface a fraction, knocking it from the platform it was floating above. It topples, floating to the ground and the noise increases tenfold. All around, daisies have popped free of their confines and are spiraling through the air. The flutter of tiny wings fills my ears, blocking the view of Cash across the other side of the field.

“Aww, nifty trick,” I hold out my hand to brush the rotating petals. The daisy closest slices the pad of my finger with its blades and I jump back, holding it to my chest. “Ow!” Spotting the playing card laying at my feet, I kick it into the midst of the fluttery fuckers. They go crazy, whipping up into a swarming tornado with the card in the center, shredding it into dust. That’s when I truly realize my predicament and catch Cash’s eye through the frenzy.

Hurrying me with a flap of his hand, I edge around the daisies while they’re distracted, treading carefully to not disturb any of the remaining flowers still stuck in the ground. An odd mix of chrysanthemum and daffodils.

Halfway around the rounded meadow, eyes fixed on my only exit, a vine wraps around my ankle. I rip it free, only to be caught by another. The instigator wobbles, a yellow dandelion with a face hidden within. A weed, in its truest form. My mother always told me not to pick yellow dandelions, as the milky sap inside causes you to pee the bed. She also insisted on living an honest and truthful life while screwing the gardener behind my fathers back, but this time - I’ll heed her advice. A third vine latches onto my boot and I bend to tear it away.

“I don’t want any trouble, okay?” I whisper-hiss at the dandelion. “I’ll just be on my way and you can keep your pee sap to yourself.” Taking the vine in hand, a thorn stabs my palm as I toss it aside. Ugh, splinters are my biggest pet peeve, right behind snoring. Hunting for the prickly bastard, it seeps into my skin and disappears from view. No pain, no evidence it was there in the first place.

“Malice! Watch your back!” I turn at Cash’s cry, dully noting the daisy tornado has stopped. They’re hovering, gently fluttering their petals and all facing me. I swallow hard, then they attack. Covering my head with my arms, the flowers slice every patch of skin they can find. Due to the fact I ditched my jacket back in the mountains, that leaves a whole lot of skin around my spaghetti-strap crop top. Like a thousand paper cuts lashing me, I scream, running directly through the center and barrel out of the exit.

Cash is just ahead of me, the audible fluttering taking chase like an angry swarm of bees. Turning a sharp left to lead us along the riverbank, we race towards the frost-coated land in the distance. Searing pain burns at the lacerations across my shoulders, stomach and back, the thought of dousing them by making a snow angel my best idea of the day. I don’t need Cash’s wide eyes continually peering back to assess the damage to know I’m bleeding. A lot. My wrists especially, dripping with heat and flooding my brain with unwelcome regret. Did I really come this far, survived multiple worlds, just to be defeated by a daisy?

“This way! Hurry!” Cash shouts back over the thrumming petals, a note of desperation in his voice. He doesn’t know where the fuck he’s going, nor what he’s going to do with me. Vampires don’t have a need to learn first aid. No doubt he’s going to pack my wounds with snow and will me to regenerate as a snowwoman.Wait.

I skid to a stop. Several flowers slam into my back, cutting me to ribbons while I block out the pain. It hurts enough to merely think on any given day, but right now, the distraction is a blessing.

“I need to go back,” I mutter. Cash forces himself to stop up ahead, ducking behind a boulder. “I need to go back!”

“Are you insane?!” Cash cries, bobbing his head popping aside from the boulder. Despite the lashing at my back, I jut out my hip and narrow my eyes.

“Well, I find that highly offensive,” I grumble. One brave daisy circles my head and cuts a gash along my cheek. Snapping her closed in my fist, I squeeze tight as a message to the rest of them. It doesn’t work. “You distract them! I need to check something out!” For a hesitant moment, I thought Cash was going to let his vanity win over our quest. But then he jumps onto the boulder, swings his arms around like a caveman and starts running again. Most of the daisies take notice and chase after him. Those that remain are a select few I take immense pleasure in kicking off my boot and whacking them to the ground.

Shoving my foot back inside the boot, I’m aware of the time restraint closing around me. My shoulders tremble as I force myself upright, my entire body screaming in agony. Even the parts that aren’t cut to ribbons, waning adrenaline tugs on the last of my energy and I fight just to take a single step. Come on Malice, we’ve survived worse than this.

Chirp. I pause, my ear twitching. On a whim, I abandon my mission and hunt for the sound. Around the boulder, I spot Mr. Budgerigar amongst the grass, his monocle and walking stick missing. He must have fallen, his blue and yellow feathers ruffled. Another tiny chirp escapes his beak and I scoop him into my hands.

“What is it little one?” I ask, stroking him gently with my thumb. His chest rises and falls with a hint of difficulty and I reckon the time pressure I was already under just became tighter. Prying his beak open, I lean my ear closer to hear his croak.

“House.” I listen for more, and when it doesn’t come, I give him the slight judder.

“What house? Who’s house?”
