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Then they appear at the table, and we look up.

“Guys,” Kip says, “this is Alice. Alice, this is Saxon and Catie.”

She stares at me, obviously completely taken aback. To my surprise, Catie gets to her feet and says, “They’re twins, not clones. I know, they didn’t tell me either.” She holds out her hand, and Alice laughs and shakes it.

“Your profile pic,” she says to Kip. She has a low, slightly husky voice. “It wasn’t a mirror!”

I chuckle. Kip and I once had a photo taken together where we were facing each other at an angle, wearing the same T-shirt. We looked exactly the same, except he was wearing glasses, so it looks as if it’s a photoshopped image of one of us staring into a mirror. I use it on my Facebook profile, and he must have used it for one of his Tinder pics.

“It’s always fun to see people’s reactions to that,” I say, also standing. “Pleased to meet you, Alice.” We shake hands, and she smiles. She has striking dark blue eyes. I glance at Kip, but he’s busy looking at her. What a shock.

As we take our seats, the waitress comes up with our Cokes and gives them to me and Catie. She hands them both a menu and asks what they’d like to drink.

Alice glances at our Cokes, and I say, “Catie’s pregnant and it only seems polite for me not to drink when I’m with her, but please, you two have whatever you like.”

“Would you like a glass of wine?” Kip asks her.

“That would be nice.”

“Red, white, sparkling? Champagne?”

Her eyebrows rise. “Um, red please.”

“Any preference?”

“No, I’m happy for you to choose.”

He looks at the menu. “We’ll have a bottle of the Kusuda, please.”

Alice’s eyebrows rise even more. It’s the most expensive red on the list.

“Show off,” I say to him as the waitress goes off.

Catie giggles, and Alice’s lips curve up.

“Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea,” Kip says.

“Oh, I’m having great fun,” I reply, thinking about him and Damon teasing me when I told them Catie was pregnant.

“Ignore them,” Catie says to her. “It’s very nice to meet you.”

“Likewise,” Alice says. She has quite a low, husky voice. “When are you due?”

“End of March.”

“Twins?” Alice asks, gesturing at the words on Catie’s top.

“Yeah. Two boys. Just like these guys.”

“My commiserations,” Alice says, and chuckles. Kip glances at her, then at me with a small smile. He likes that she’s already teasing him.

“Do you live nearby?” I ask, leaning back and putting my arm around Catie.

“Ah, yeah. Not far away.” Hmm, that’s vague. He doesn’t look surprised by that, so I wonder whether they’ve agreed not to share personal information?

“What do you do for a living?” I ask, determined to push it and see if Kip tells me to shut up.

She clears her throat. “I work with books.” Vague again. Interesting.
