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“I bought it for him,” Elizabeth says, walking up to us. “Seemed appropriate.”

I chuckle and kiss her on the cheek. “You remember Catie?”

“Of course.” Elizabeth kisses her as well. “Look at you,” she says, “absolutely blooming.”

“You too.” Catie gestures at Elizabeth’s big bump.

Elizabeth blows a raspberry. “I am soooo not blooming. I’m wilting. I haven’t seen my feet in months.”

Catie giggles. “I know what you mean.”

“Honestly, they don’t tell you this at school when they’re lecturing about unplanned pregnancy. All they’d have to do is explain about stretch marks and how many bottles of antacid you’re going to get through, and every girl would make sure to keep a pack of condoms on her.”

I grin at Huxley. “And how’s the proud father doing?”

“Hyperventilating at regular intervals, but otherwise okay.”

“We’re all ready,” Elizabeth says as we head toward the area where most people are sitting, eating, and drinking. “We’ve got a birth plan sorted, the bag’s packed, and we’re all prepared. I started having irregular contractions yesterday. They’re a bit more regular today, but still between ten or fifteen minutes apart, and relatively mild, so I think I’m only in early labor.”

We stop and stare at her. “Seriously?” I say.

“Yeah.” She seems very laid back about it. “You don’t have to go to hospital till they’re three or four minutes apart.”

“Holy shit,” Catie says. “You’re so calm.”

She shrugs. “It’s coming out one way or the other. Seems fruitless to panic about it.”

I look around at the guests. “And you’re having a party?”

“Elizabeth thought it might distract her,” Huxley says. “She’s always swearing anyway, so if she gets a contraction, nobody’s going to notice.”

She gives a short laugh. Catie looks at me, startled. Clearly, the idea of not stressing about it is a novelty to her.

“The media has a lot to answer for,” Elizabeth states. “In every movie you see, they’re running for the door the moment the woman has her first contraction, and then she’s screaming blue murder and calling her husband all the names under the sun. I’m determined not to be like that.”

“Makes a change,” Huxley says cheerfully.

I grin. “Are you going to be at the birth?”

“As long as I can stay away from the business end,” he says.

“He’s afraid of the sight of blood,” I tell Catie, who chuckles.

“Saxon!” Mack stands and comes over for a bearhug, and Titus joins him. There follows a flurry of introductions as I catch up with my friends and their families. I keep a tight hold of Catie’s hand, and she stays close to me, but she seems okay. Huxley heads off to the barbecue, aided by his nine-year-old daughter, Joanna.

I take a seat next to Victoria, Huxley’s business partner. “You’re a bit late,” she states. “Get caught in traffic?”

“Ah, no. We got distracted.” I give Catie an amused glance, who blushes.

Evie, one of Huxley’s sisters and Victoria’s partner, grins. “Enjoying being a daddy, are you?”

“Sort of,” I say. “I’m knackered, and the babies haven’t even been born yet.”

Catie blushes even redder, and everyone chuckles.

“Saxon,” Elizabeth scolds. “Stop embarrassing her.” She smiles at Catie. “Just ignore him. Come with me, I want to show you the nursery and ask your opinion on a few things.”

Catie glances at me, and for a moment I think she’s going to refuse, but she gets to her feet and follows Elizabeth, and the two of them chat away as they head indoors.
