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“Yeah, I’m all squelchy.”

He accepts a bath towel as Evie runs across with one, wraps it around his wife, then lifts her up into his arms.

“I can walk,” she protests.

“Don’t care,” he says. As he carries her off into the house, she loops her arms around his neck, and he kisses her.

We watch them go, and then I look at Catie and pull her to one side while everyone else starts talking. “You okay?”

She nods. “I thought they’d be frantic. They seem so calm.”

“They’ve prepared well. Hux said they’ve got their go-bag ready by the door, and they know exactly where they’re going. They’ve been attending antenatal classes together, so they’re prepared for the birth. It’s scary because it’s unknown, but they’re excited, too.”

“Should I go to an antenatal class?”

“Yes, of course. I think Mat said they usually start when you’re around thirty weeks, but we’ll make sure we book it soon. You’ll get to meet other new mums, and the midwives will give talks about pregnancy, childbirth, and having a new baby.”

She bites her lip. “I’m not sure if I’ll have the courage to go to something like that. Everyone there will know more than me.”

“Well, first, so? Fuck everyone else. That’s why you’d be going—to learn. Second, I’ll be with you, so we’ll be learning together.”

Her eyes widen. “You’d go with me?”

“Hello, baby daddy? Absolutely I need to go. I know a bit about IVF and conception and cycles but I’m totally vague after that. I don’t know much about later pregnancy and childbirth at all.”

“Would you like to be at the birth?” she asks.

“Try and stop me. I’m hoping they let me cut the cord with my teeth.”

She laughs and smacks my arm. “That’s gross.”

“All right, maybe not with my teeth. But yeah. I want to be there. To see our boys, and to be there for you. Why should you have to go through it on your own?”

She lifts a hand and cups my face. “I can’t believe I’ve been so lucky.”

“Evie thinks you’re bonkers. I guess it’s all about perspective.” I look over as Huxley comes out. He takes their go-bag to his car and puts it in, then comes over to us all.

“She’s just had another contraction,” he says. “They’re four minutes apart now, and quite strong, so I’m going to take her in. Exciting times!” He pulls an ‘eek’ face, then laughs.

“Good luck,” everyone says, flocking around as she comes out, smiling. The two of them say goodbye and promise to call everyone as soon as there’s any news, and then they get in the car, and Huxley reverses out and heads down the road.

“Wow,” Sidnie says, “those two certainly know how to throw a party.”

Mack chuckles. “I told them we’d clear up for them. I’ve got the keys so I can lock up.”

“Yeah,” Titus says, “let’s get started.”

There are plenty of people to help, so it takes no time at all to carry all the plates and glasses in, collect the rubbish, and tidy up. When it’s done, we leave Mack and Sidnie to lock up, and everyone starts making their way to their cars. I call us an Uber, and before long we’re on our way back to the hotel.

“I wonder how long it’ll be before we hear anything,” Catie says.

“Huxley said active labor takes four to eight hours, and often more. It might be tomorrow morning.”

She sighs and rests her hand on her bump. “I can’t believe we’re going to go through that.”

“I know.” I put my hand on her bump next to hers and sing the first few lines of Ed Sheeran’sSmall Bump. And then I feel it—a slight fluttering against my hand. “Oh Jesus! I felt them move.”

She laughs, resting her hand on mine. There it is again. A tiny flutter.
