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“What?” I hear him say.

“She finishes today,” Kennedy replies.

Footsteps sound on the carpet, and then he appears at the door. “I forgot,” he says, walking over to me. Behind him, Kip and Damon appear to watch us with interest.

I blush. “Don’t worry about me, they’ll have something else lined up for me for next week.”

“No need,” he says. “I’ve been thinking. How would you like to join our programming team?”

I stare at him. “Huh?”

“You’ll work with Joop and the others, under Richard Mason. And if you’re interested, you can train on the job too. We have a company program where we pay your university fees at Victoria.”

My jaw drops. “You’d do that for me?”

“Standard company practice,” he says. “It’ll pay more than a secretarial position, and you’ll be working toward a degree in computer science.”

I look at Kip and Damon, my jaw dropping. Damon nods, and Kip smiles.

I could say no thank you. Tell him that I want to make it on my own. Insist that I don’t need his help.

Instead, I run up to him and throw my arms around his neck. “Thank you,” I whisper. “Thank you so much.”

“Aw,” Kennedy says. “You’re such a softie, Saxon.”

“Maybe,” he replies. He rubs my back. “Maybe.”

Chapter Sixteen


“We have a company program?” Damon asks as he sits on the sofa in my office.

I close the door. “We do now.”

Kip grins. “I’d better get onto Vic Uni and sort something out.”

“This isn’t charity,” I tell them, sitting in one of the armchairs. “She’s good. She designed the website for Sirius Plaster.”

“The one with the prosthetic hand?” Kip asks, surprised. “Shit, that’s a cool site.”

“Yeah. She knows html and she’s pretty advanced with Javascript. She’s smart. And Richard likes her. Look, we should have a program like that here anyway. I thought we could send Joop on it, too.”

Both of them nod. “Leave it with me,” Kip says. “I’ll talk to Richard and get something sorted with Vic and HR.”

“All right, thanks. Also… I wanted to ask you guys something. Next week, I’m in Auckland, so I wondered whether you’d get her settled in here and just… make sure she’s okay.”

“I’ll keep an eye on her,” Kip says, and we exchange a smile. I’m close to both my brothers, but the fact that Kip and I are twins has always meant we share a closer connection.

The thought strikes me then—my sons will be the same. It almost takes my breath away.

“Thanks.” I clear my throat. “Okay, so let’s look at the schedule. What have we got coming up?”

We talk for a while, and then the guys return to their offices, and I get stuck into programming. Richard has forwarded me a batch of coding the guys have finished in the main office, and I spend a few hours checking it through and tweaking it to my satisfaction.

It’s only when my alarm goes off on my watch that I realize it’s close to five p.m., and I get up and go into the office next door.

Catie has stuck Post-its all over the desk with notes for Janine, and now she’s getting ready to leave.
