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“Okay. The babies are fine.”

I feel a wave of relief. I hadn’t realized until that point how nervous I was. “Oh, that’s great.”

“Yeah. But… um…”

“Is Catie okay?”

“Physically, yes. But… I’m worried about her.”

I sit up. “Why, what’s happened?”

“It’s not really any one thing. She was very nervous going into the scan. Mat’s great, but he can get a bit technical, and I could see she was overwhelmed with all the information he was throwing at her. He went on a bit about nutrition, and she kind of glazed over.”

I think of how she couldn’t even choose what burger she wanted, and frown.

“Then we saw Angela,” she continues, “and she was trying to get out of Catie what kind of birth plan she had in mind, and she was talking about Braxton-Hicks contractions and cesareans and how to breastfeed twins, and Catie just mentally checked out.”

I stand up and run my hand through my hair. “Is she at home now?”

“Yeah… but I thought I’d try to cheer her up a bit so I took her to the supermarket, and I just chucked all the type of stuff I thought she might need in the trolley, and I honestly thought she might pass out when she saw the bill, and it was only a hundred and fifty dollars…”

Catie told me she spends less than thirty dollars a week on food. Splashing out that much in one shop must have been quite shocking for her. Kennedy wouldn’t have known.

“And then we came back to her place,” Kennedy goes on, “and there was this silver Toyota parked just down from her apartment, and she said she thought she’d seen it before and that someone was following her.”

I go cold. “What?”

“And so we went in, and I helped her carry the groceries up, and… Saxon, I feel like such a snob, but the place was a shithole.”


“There was this creepy guy smoking weed in the hall who tried to chat us up, and loud music playing, and the place is, like, ten foot square, I don’t know how she’s going to have two babies in there, and she looked so sad and frightened, and I tried to get her to come home with me but she wouldn’t, and I know she didn’t want me to tell you, but I didn’t know what to do. She’s so scared, Saxon. And I want to help, but I think she needs you.”

“Hey,” I say, hearing the tremor in her voice, “it’s okay, you did the right thing by telling me. I’m coming home, okay?” I check my watch. “I’ll call Sam—he won’t mind flying me home.” Sam is the pilot of the family’s private jet. “I should be there by eight. I’ll call Kip and get him to go and check on her. Don’t worry.”

She takes a deep shaky breath. Then she says, “What will you do?”

“I’m not sure. Probably take her to Island Bay. I’ve been thinking about it for a while, but I’d like her there with me.”

“Because of the babies?”


“You like her, don’t you?”

“I do, as it happens. I like the way she looks at me, as if I’m special.” I blink. I’m not sure where that came from.

“Aw,” she says. “Go get on your charger and rescue her.”

“I will. Thank you so much for everything you’ve done. I’ll call you once I land and let you know how it goes, okay?”

“Okay.” She sniffs. “Speak to you later.”

I hang up and go back to Zoom. “Sorry, Titus, I gotta run.”

“Everything all right?”

“Not really, I’ve got to go and rescue my girl. She’s okay, but she needs me.”
