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In moments, she’s walking across the sand to me after coming down from the house. Her legs are visibly shaking, and her features are all twisted into an expression that sums up how we both feel.

“Mark?” she stammers, her eyes fluttering and rolling back.

Fuck me. She looks about ready to come.

I’m on her in a second, our mouths locking once I lean down, my arms around her, pulling her hard and close. We both say everything we have to with the kiss we should’ve had the moment she got here.

Everything’s explained with her little mewing sound, her thick, stiff nipples pressing into me. The evidence of my feelings for her is like lava between us, melting us into something I know is a forever thing.

I kiss her long and hard, her hands pressing flat on my chest as she purrs, suddenly balling her fists and beating me several times. Punishment for making her wait. For confusing her by acting like a boy instead of a man, but I can take it. Any time I feel her touch my body, in any capacity, I feel my heart explode with something I never knew could exist, let alone feel so good.

Her body feels so soft against mine, but she’s trembling almost to the point of convulsing as she stammers needful, almost animal sounds that my body replies to instantly. A low, deep growl of pleasure booms from deep inside me, making her quake harder as my hands find her chest, then her neck, until I’m holding her face in both hands.

I kiss her again, harder and deeper, before I drop to my knees, holding onto her like a drowning man finally rescued. I feel something more intense than anything I’ve ever known, something sacred in being this close to her. The sound of her panting breaths mixes with the roar of my pulse in my ears. The usually quiet bay behind us surges to life, warm curtains of foaming water simmering around my knees as my face slides up inside one of her creamy thighs, my hands gripping her to support her behind. I squeeze her softness as I bury my face into her fertile mound.

She gasps and shivers, and I cradle her as I help her onto the warm sand. Her hands run through my hair, guiding me to keep exploring her sweet essence with my face, mouth, and tongue. With her swollen clit between my teeth, I spread her lips wider under her panties. The shock of the sensation draws uncontrolled whimpering from her before she wheezes something, trying to speak.

“Mark… Mark… I…” she gasps.

“I know,” I groan, my words muffled by the only thing I want in or out of my mouth right now.

She’s never been with anyone. I can feel it in her trembling body clearer than if she’d given me a slide show presentation, explaining her awkwardness with boys and only because she’s never had a real man to show her how much pleasure her body’s designed for.

She tries to say more, but the sound of me tearing her panties makes her jerk and spasm. My tongue and mouth cover her swollen slit spread wide, and her little fuck hole winks with insane arousal. It’s the sweetest moment of my life, second to kissing her, a sensation I’ve already etched into my brain forever. The day my life actually started. Tonight. With her.

I make love to her tight hole and her glistening lips with my own, greedily feasting on her one moment and gently stroking her and caressing her the next. She rides the waves of her impending climax, feeling them getting bigger and stronger. Knowing I could drink from her all night and all day tomorrow, she needs to learn that her pleasure is my pleasure. Nobody said she’s only allowed to come once.

Me, I could give this ocean a run for its money with the amount of my seed I feel backed up and ready for her, but right now, it’s her time—a girl becoming a woman. It’s her first sexual experience at the hands of an older man who knows how to pause and when to please. I’m honored to be the one to show her how much she deserves.

Relaxing back into the sand, the shock at the sudden level of intense pleasure becoming more familiar, she rotates her childbearing hips gently and even bucks and grinds a little.

The stubble from my chin scratches at her, making her stab little moans and grunts before she moans long and hard. She runs her fingers through my hair, her sweet, virgin sex in my mouth as tender as her lips, and it’s all mine. Nobody will ever see this. Nobody will ever feel what I feel, and nobody could replace or come between what I know we both feel right now.
