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One of the attendants leans up and into the jeweler’s ear. I watch as his eyes widen. They don’t need my money, but the prestige of their clients is what a business like this gets off on. So, I’m glad my name and reputation precede me.

“Oh! You must forgive me, Mr. Meyers,” the jeweler gushes, instantly beckoning me with an open arm, apologizing profusely as he guides me through the back.

Don’t just sell jewelry, huh? It’s like bloody Fort Knox back here. My eyes strain from the sparkle of what must be millions of dollars’ worth of diamonds and other precious stones, all winking at me like puppies at a pound—every one of them waiting for a new home.

Each one would be perfect for Melissa, any single one, because all that matters to me is the meaning behind it. I’d buy the whole boutique now if I knew it would make her happy. The ring is just a symbol, but it needs to be special enough always to be a reminder of this—the time we met, fell in love, and I proposed to her.

And put a baby in her belly… Now that would be the trifecta!

The older man asks me some pointed questions about Melissa, and I feel my back going up. He assures me it’s so he can make the best choices if he’s going to show me anything.

“She’s right outside,” I grumble. “If you wanna measure her finger, it’ll kinda ruin the surprise,” I add, drawing a firm look from the old man.

His face softens, and instead of racing off to look at Melissa or give me another dry comment, he invites me to take a seat on a low leather chair.

“Just… tell me how you feel about her,” he finally says, closing his eyes as if he’s about to conduct an orchestra.

I frown and look at my watch, wondering if this guy is for real or just winding me up. Seeing as he’s asked, I don’t have any problem telling him how I feel about Melissa.

“I just don’t see what that’s got to do with—” I add once I’ve spilled my guts, surprising myself a little when I hear genuine emotion in my voice just talking about her. I think of her the whole time I’m back here, wishing I didn’t have to keep another thing from her, but it’ll only be a few hours. If Methuselah here would just hurry…

“Yes! Yes!” the old man suddenly exclaims after keeping his eyes shut so tight the whole time I’ve been talking. I figure he might have actually gone to sleep. “I know just the ring,” he says in a more reserved tone, smiling as he gets up and heads straight to one of the open safes. “This is ideal…” he says matter-of-factly. He opens the box before my eyes as if he’s revealing a secret.

I’ve seen plenty of rocks on clients and associates, but I even hear my breath catch when I see it.

“It’s every bit as mesmerizing as you described Melissa,” the jeweler says, and I can’t help but agree. Before I can even voice my concerns about sizing, he’s quick to answer that, too.

“It’ll fit perfectly,” he sighs, closing the lid again. “I’ve been doing this for so long, Mr. Meyers. After a few moments of listening, I know which ring is right for which client.”

I crease the edge of my mouth, wondering if this guy’s got a couple of kangaroos loose. There’s no denying it’s the prettiest, most perfect thing in the place… next to Melissa, of course, so maybe he’s right. Either way, Melissa can exchange it or have any other ring she wants. I just need something for tonight.


The word’s been burning in my brain, and my throbbing ache for her has worn a hole in my pants. So, pocketing the ring after signing some paperwork and having the store discreetly check I am who they think I am, I feel like the biggest load is off my mind.

Maybe the second biggest load. The one I can feel rising when I return to the dressing rooms and see Melissa in one of her new outfits feels big enough to paint the harbour bridge with.

“Mark!” she calls out, lurching toward me and gripping me like she’s about to sink. “I… I didn’t know where you’d gone,” she murmurs, looking like a million dollars but sounding like a fish out of water.

I feel a stab in my gut, hating that I had to leave her alone for even a minute, but she’ll know everything soon.

“I had to pick something up myself. How are you doing here? You okay?” I ask, stroking a strand of her blond hair and kissing her tenderly.

I’m half tempted to get down on one knee and ask her right here, consummating the deal over the back of one of these leather sofas. Even though she stabs a nod to tell me she’s all right, I know the look. It’s overwhelming to have a bunch of overpriced stuff thrown at you suddenly, and I’m sure Melissa’s only worried about one thing—the price tags that aren’t on anything.
