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Once he senses I’ve had more than my fill of him, and he’s filled me with more of his man jam than I thought humanly possible, he slides out of me, making me gasp and moan a new sound—the sound of longing to have him back there as soon as he’s gone.

“There is more to me,” he teases me. “I’m right here, ya know,” he says, pretending to be wounded, but he knows how much I love all of him. His perfect cock is just the icing on the cake, and boy, am I full of icing right now.

If it wasn’t with Mark, the most perfect man alive, I’d feel slutty somehow. Cheap.

I mean, having sex without protection and with someone I really don’t know anything about.

Mark is my protection. I fell in love with him the moment our eyes met. If I could have a baby by him—someone else that’s a part of him to love and cherish as much as I love him? Well, I know I’d be the happiest girl alive.

We lie tangled on the giant bed, arms and legs interlocking. His body is flush with mine, his constant arousal pressing into my side, hot, hard, and forever ready to do me all over again. All I have to do is say the word or make the sound. Touch him once in his magic spot, and there’s no stopping the man.

It’s not dark out yet, but near enough. The brilliance of the summer day has shifted into what looks like a storm brewing on the horizon. The view out of the floor-to-ceiling windows gives us a panoramic view of everything Sydney. Despite the breathtaking scenery, I can’t help but focus on those dark clouds. A literal reminder that we’ve had our fun. We’ve found each other, and even declared our love, but there’s a different kind of storm brewing. I’ll only have Mark alone tonight and some of tomorrow before my dad flies in, and then…?

Then I don’t know. Anything to do with a world that isn’t Mark holding me in bed after he’s made my toes curl and my booty shakes for hours on end just doesn’t mean anything to me anymore. I don’t even know how to process living any other life now that I know how good it feels to be with Mark.

I decided as soon as he told me about Dad’s deal, about getting me to agree to sign the house away, that I would never do that. I would never hurt the memory of my mom. I don’t know what’s made Dad act so crazy, but I’m gonna sit him down and talk this through before he can find out that Mark and I did what we did.

I mean, what are we now… A couple, I guess.

So many firsts for me today. I thought nudging twenty made me a grown-up, but losing my virginity and doing all things adult has made me wonder if all that doesn’t just bring on adult-sized problems.

“What are you thinking about?” Mark rumbles, shifting closer so he can kiss the side of my face. “You look all serious. Do I need to go again?” he chuckles, cocking a brow and flexing his erection into my side, making me shiver a breath.

“I’m allowed to think,” I pout, chewing at my lip without realizing it. Mark knows straightaway that I’m not thinking about the things he wants me to, not thinking about white picket fences and kids running in the yard while mom and dad look at each other longingly.

He doesn’t press the issue. Mark’s too mature for that, and knowing how much today means to him as much as me, I don’t whine or complain about my own upcoming problems with my dad.

“I was gonna take you out to dinner first,” Mark confesses with a guilty smile, “before we got… y’know… distracted.” He makes another one of his faces that he does so well but looks so unlike him. I just have to laugh.

“I think I owe you a steak dinner!” I proclaim, wishing I could afford it, but I know Mark’s got all he wants to eat right here with me, and it’s a twenty-four seven buffet.

“Would you still join me? For dinner, I mean?” Mark says in his trademark accent. He’s really asking me out, and I can see hesitation in his eyes like he wouldn’t know how to feel if I said no.

Honestly, I don’t think I could stand up at the moment, let alone go parading around town to a restaurant. I mean… I’ve just lost my virginity to a giant. Any chair I sat on in a restaurant would be in danger of disappearing right up me. Okay, that’s an exaggeration, but it sure feels like it. I’m gonna need to take it easy for a few days. I know that much.
