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“I also heard he’s, like, totally broke. I mean, he sunk all his money into this old building. And he hangs around those other guys all the time.”

“Some of them are hot, too. And so what if he’s broke? I’d be his sugar mama,” said the drunk one.

Both women cackled until the first one said, “That eye, though. Do you think it’s gross?”

“Bitch,” Greer muttered. “Nothing about you is gross.”

“Who cares about his eye? You think his dick is as big as the rest of him?”

The women laughed again until the drunk one said, “Whoop! I gotta pee. Bella said the bathroom in here was really nice and clean.”

Greer snuggled in closer, aware that they’d nearly been caught canoodling, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. “I like the drunk one. She’s funny, even though I’m not a big fan of her thinking about your dick. Which, by the way, feels very adequately sized.”

A buzz rippled over her clit, making her clench all those Kegel muscles involuntarily.

“How many drinks have you had, sparkles?” His voice in her ear was warmly amused.

“None. I’m drinking from the virgin vat. I think these buzzes are making me drunk, though. Everything seems really fuzzy and nice.”

“You’re sex drunk.” Magnus looked deep into her eyes and frowned. “Practically in sub-space, and you haven’t even come yet. You’re a goddamn dream come true, Greer.”

She felt as if she’d been downing pink Cosmos all evening and having a great time. “That’s good, right?”

“That’s amazing. But I have to get you back on your feet before I can finish taking care of you, sweetheart.”

Endorphins rippled through her body in large, happy waves and all she wanted to do was float along. Ordinarily, the loss of control would have her pushing away this feeling, but she knew that Magnus wouldn’t let anything happen to her. He’d promised and Greer…

Greer believed.


This party was never going to fucking end.

After their interlude in the goddamn broom closet, of all places, Magnus had grabbed a clean towel off the shelf, wrapped Greer up in it and cuddled her on his lap until the buzz of sex faded a bit, wishing for a bottle of water or a piece of chocolate for her. He was going to have to keep that kind of shit on hand for as often as he planned on getting her high on his touch.

When she was steady enough to get back to work, he’d grinned when she reached up to kiss him, then let her go with a gentle swat on her ass.

Now, like a man obsessed, he was set up with his laptop at one end of the bar where he could catch glimpses of her in the room while he pretended to work. He’d pulled Jenn aside when she arrived and let her know that he’d “tactically acquired” one of the gift items. She smirked and patted him on the chest, then told him the price would be an introduction when he brought her to the club.

At the end of three hours, he had no idea what he’d accomplished other than shopping for the exact right shade of pink nipple clamps, collars, and paddles, but he sincerely hoped he hadn’t hit send on any emails. Christ knew what he’d written and it was probably a good idea to let Ethan look over them before he made a mess of things.

But now he knew the way she held her breath when he hit the remote control on her panty vibe, and he knew how far up her blush went in the aftermath.

A couple of times, the ladies in the party had asked if she was feeling all right. She’d flushed again and said something about hot flashes and shark week. Everyone nodded and Magnus googled women’s cycles. He wasn’t entirely ignorant, having grown up with a family that didn’t think bleeding was somehow shameful, but a woman’s fertility had never directly impacted him before, other than making sure his dick was wrapped up for everyone’s peace of mind.

Now he wanted to make sure that he and Greer were on the same calendar for family planning - because he definitely planned to have a family with her, as soon as possible.

Finally, the soon-to-be groom, Tim Hudson, pulled up to load his happily sozzled future wife into his truck. He stood next to Magnus as he waited for her to fumble through her last round of hugs, watching fondly. “We sure appreciate you letting them use your space on such short notice. Steph damn near lost her mind when she found out they couldn’t use the other venue.”

Magnus nodded. “No trouble at all. We don’t open for a few more days and Greer made a great offer. Happy to help out.”

“Sounds like she really knows how to roll with the punches. The girls look like they had a good time tonight.”

“If the amount of laughing is anything to go by, I know they did.”

“Well, I’ll be sure to let folks know how well you two worked together so Steph could have her party tonight. I know this wedding has made her crazy, but that’s the woman for me. She’s not perfect, but neither am I, and I figure we’ll just have to grow on each other even more as the years go on.”

Magnus slapped him on the back, told him to come have a beer on the house next time he was around, and went back in to wait for his own future wife to finish what she was doing.
