Page 16 of Hero Needed

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“Your mom used to call them ‘natural highlights.’ You look real pretty.” Bob leaned back as the principal tapped on the mike and began to speak.

The ex hadn’t bothered to show up. It bothered Cutter more than it bugged Tracy or Aidan, and Bob had just given him a look when he mentioned it yesterday.

“He never understood what he had, so he doesn’t know how to miss it. Aidan turned out better without him, and he’s had you for the last four years. Don’t underestimate how big an impact you’ve had on my grandson. He may not call you Dad, but he knows as well as anyone that you’re mission critical. Support and logistics, Sgt. Cutter. The unit can’t function without you.”

The old man’s words followed him through the ceremony and the party they hosted at their home later on. After helping clean up, Aidan kissed his mom on the cheek before taking off with his buddies to celebrate their freedom. At least for the night.

He’d decided early in high school that he wanted to apply to military academies, so he built an academic and extracurricular schedule designed to make him a good candidate for those schools. Offers had come from West Point and the Air Force Academy and it had sparked a lengthy debate. By the time he chose the Air Force Academy, he had everyone’s full support. It had the added bonus of being close to home, just a few hours away in Colorado Springs, rather than all the way out in New York.

Aidan had more than earned a night of fun.

Bob turned in early, and Cutter brought a couple of glasses and a chilled bottle of wine out to the back patio where his wife waited.

He tucked his glass against his chest with his right hand and reached out to her with his left while they sat in silence and watched the stars move across the sky.

After a while, she tightened her fingers on his and said, “Our lives would have been poorer without you.”

Cutter had never been great at accepting compliments, but god, he wanted to take this one. “You’d have made it. I know you would have.”

“Well, yeah. We’d have probably done okay. But you made the difference between just okay and the amazing years we’ve had, and the beautiful son you stepped up for, and the wonderful home we’ve made. You were the hero I needed, when I didn’t even realize it. Michael Cutter, you made everything a hell of a lot better than okay.”

Trace leaned over and tugged his hand to her lips where she pressed a kiss to his palm, then sat back to stare at the stars some more.

He was glad it was dark so his wife, the love of his life, couldn’t see the tears of gratitude that lost themselves in his beard.

Cutter was home.

* * *

Fifteen years later

“Don’t fucking threaten me with a good time, Sergeant Cutter.”

Tracy had repeated that phrase quite a few times over the years and it never failed to get a response. Their passion might have mellowed somewhat but it had never faltered, and every once in a while the need to feel his hand popping against her ass overtook her good sense.

Cutter peered at her over the tops of his cheaters and grinned the same wicked way he had the first time she said it.

Aidan, his wife, and their two holy terrors had come to visit for a few days, but they’d left that morning, back to Virginia. At least for the next year or two. After the wedding, Tracy had sent the newlywed couple matching coffee mugs that read, “Home is where the Air Force sends you.”

The important thing was that she and Cutter had the house to themselves again. Nice and quiet. Her dad had passed on a few years ago and they’d become accustomed to their own quiet companionship.They were certainly not used to grandbabies wondering why Gampa was spanking Gammy and why she was making those noises.

Aidan’s wife had nearly peed herself laughing as she lured the kids and her husband away for a trip to the Frosty Cone, a local diner that had been around since, the kids whispered in awe, the late 1900s. It made Tracy feel ancient the first time someone had mentioned that she’d been bornlast century.

“Young whippersnapper,” she’d replied, shaking her fist in mock outrage. “Get off my lawn.”

But she didn’t feel any of those years as she teased her husband.

“It’s just you and me now, Cutter. You and me and that broad, hard hand. And that big, thick cock.”

“That’s right, little mama,” he said, putting down the tablet and rising from his favorite chair. He stalked toward her and she shivered with the same thrill that had overtaken her for all these years. Just beause she knew what was coming didn’t mean she craved it any less. “You know better than to use that kind of language. Because now it’s just you and me and that perfect ass I’m going to turn nice and hot and pink.”

“Promises, promises,” she taunted, backing down the hall toward their bedroom.

A few minutes later, with her ass in the air, waiting for the next swat, she yelped, then moaned as the heat spread through her. “I didn’t think you could still move that fast.”

“Let’s just say I was highly motivated.” He slicked his finger between her lips and gave a dark chuckle. “I love how wet you get when you’re over my knee. Up now, and bend over the bed.”

“More swats?” she asked, wiggling in anticipation.

“More fucking. I got cockblocked by toddlers yesterday and now I’m going to take it out on your hot little pussy.”

Tracy was used to the stretch after all these years, but still savored the slow glide of his dick as it breached her body. It never failed to draw a moan from deep inside her, the delicious, thick press as he buried himself to the balls.

“Fuuuuck yes,” she sighed, then squealed as he slapped his palm across her ass cheek. “You told me I could say fuck when I asked for your cock.”

“I know,” he said, laying another crack on the opposite globe. “I just like the little noises you make. Now, are you ready to come, Tracy?”

“Yes, Cutter,” she murmured, completely at peace. “Bring me home.”
