Page 77 of The Deal

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Otherwise that would be… twins! So who was the dad?” Lyle found he didn’t care. Not like it had stabbed him in the parking lot of the clinic a day ago. It didn’t hurt anymore.

Ash ran his tongue over his lip. “Actually… Nix and I… some weird rare thing where we both fertilized the egg at the same time or something…”

Lyle blew out a breath that ruffled his messy hair, and went to cuff Ash lightly around the head.

“Boys,” Penny added as Lyle jokingly got Ash in a headlock and ruffled his hair playfully.

“Fucking great, mini tweedle dum and tweedle dee on the way-” Lyle joked. His heart felt light, he couldn’t feel the aches and pains in his body anymore. He wanted to sit down, process this, think about which fucking bedroom in the penthouse they could do up like a nursery…

A body from behind jumped up onto his back, yelling and whooping. Nix. Like they were a football team and they’d all just scored, celebrating the win. Lyle had fucking won, that he was certain of. Lyle threw his shoulder over Nix, Penny was giggling somewhere in the middle, Ash was there, too. Something twinged in his arm, he felt wet. He wouldn’t let anything throw him off this moment. It was more satisfying than drinking a cold beer after a long, fast motorcycle ride.

* * *

"As my esteemed sister said,"Lyle threw Rita a look who eyed him, then nodded her head, acknowledging his compliment. "This is a patch-over, bitches. Join the MC, our MC, Black Coyotes MC. This will be our Vegas chapter. Agree or fuck off, these are your only options."

Ash and Nix pulled off, gripping Penny, they stood to the side, grinning moronically to themselves.

Diesel sighed, "I fucking knew it! I said if we get mixed up in stuff bigger than us it would come back to bite us-"

"Are you a club of hookers or what?" one of the guys shouted from the floor. Lyle looked at him. He was young, blond hair, pierced eyebrow.

"No, we’ve got guys-"

"They're all on the roof, surrounding the place in case you fucked up. Your head is probably in their crosshairs as we speak,'' Ash said. The guys shifted nervously.

"Do you all just fuck each other?" the same guy asked.

Ash smiled his Cheshire cat smile. "No, just me, Lyle, Penny and Nix. We are claimed. April and Colt, and Phantom here and Sophie." Phantom threw his arm over Sophie and licked her face, like he had that very first time. She smiled and playfully pushed him away, but then they came together again.

"Oh fuck, I didn't realize she was a dude!"

More questions followed.

Lyle stood at the front, Ash and Penny at his side, Colt, bracing himself on the floor to get his shoulder popped back into place by Greta. They were his. He realized that now. They were all his family. His responsibility.

Titan whimpered on the sofa.

Diesel stood up. "I'm out, man, this isn't for me."

Lyle shrugged. "Fine. Leave your cut. We have our tattoo guy outside to alter your colors, have whatever you want on top, or just blacked out."

Diesel stood, tight lipped. He shrugged off his cut with jerky movements, then threw it on the floor.

He huffed, gaze flashing from his brothers in front of him, to Titan, pinned to the sofa.

"I told you, Titan, you weren't ready for this -"

"You traitor," Titan rasped. He wasn't doing so well, his face turning gray and pallid. “We can still fight. You fucking bunch of pussies… Get the guns! Use your fists, instead of just standing there like a bunch of girls."

But Diesel didn’t move. No one moved. Voices began to speak up. "Titan, you have kinda fucked us over here."

"Yeah, we didn't need to stir shit up with the Armenians and this other MC -"

"We were happy just riding and downing beers and getting pussy but you riled them up-"

"Don't you wanna get rich?" Titan yowled.

One of the guys shrugged. "Not particularly.”

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