Page 26 of Love à la Mode

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I caress her jean clad thigh, my fingertips dangerously close to a very special place between her legs. She makes a subtle move closer, parting her legs ever so slightly. She might be pissed at me, but she still wants me. It’s a dynamic I’ve accepted will be part of our relationship. In fact, I look forward to the sex to follow heated moments like these. “Didn’t you think it was strange that people were meeting you on the porch yesterday, handing you eggs you didn’t even ask for?”

Her head snaps toward me. “You—”

“Love makes people a little crazy. You and me? Probably a little crazier than most. But when mistakes happen—because that’s life, Aurora—we help each other out. In every situation, there’s always been one of us with a level enough head to keep us from fucking everything up.”

The corner of Aurora’s mouth tips up despite her obvious attempts to fight the smile.

“What matters is that we love each other. That we support each other. We believe in each other.”

“Love?” she repeats, her tone a challenge.

“Don’t act like it’s a fucking surprise, Gray. I’ve been in love with you a lot longer than I’d like to admit. You have too.”

“What a romantic declaration.” She rolls her eyes as her fingers grip my shirt, tugging me closer. “How could I possibly resist you now?”

“I love you, Aurora Gray. I’ll love you forever.”

I lean in for a kiss she eagerly meets. Her fingers dig into the back of my neck tugging me down, and before I know it, I’m on top of her with my hand up her shirt. Her fingers work the top button of my jeans and tug down my zipper.

“I love you too,” Aurora says, her lips exploring my neck.

“We could get in trouble for this,” I warn.

Her hand wraps around my cock. “Oh shut up and let me be a bad influence before I change my mind.”


About a week later…


“Aurora, dear,” Grandma Rose calls from my bedroom doorway as I pack another suitcase full of clothes. I realize everything feels like it’s happening too fast with this whole moving in with Garrett thing, but I wouldn’t be the first Gray sister to act impulsively where love is concerned.

“I know you’re worried I’ll get hurt—”

“Garrett’s a good one. I’m not worried about that at all.”

I look up from my suitcase to see Grandma Rose holding a newspaper. Well, dammit. I thought I was in the clear last week when the local paper left out my name under the arrests column. Guess they were just behind schedule.

“Why do I have to hear about your arrest in the newspaper?”

Not a day has gone by since Garrett and I made up on a private pull-off that he hasn’t encouraged me to have a heart-to-heart conversation with my grandma. To come clean about all my hopes and dreams. To ask her to show me the ropes of running a diner. He also insisted I come clean about the whole going to jail thing.

It’s time to put on my big girl panties.

I stop packing and face Grandma Rose. I’m a little surprised to see both my sisters standing in the doorway behind her. Well, this’ll be easier with the whole family in one place. Less repeating myself. “You’re right, Grandma Rose. I should’ve come clean the day it happened. I was embarrassed that I got arrested. But mostly I was afraid if you heard about it that you’d never consider me to be your successor.”

“What?” Three women chime simultaneously.

“I know you all think I’m clueless and naïve, but I’m not. I’m ambitious and smart. Did you know I have a photographic memory?”

Three stunned faces stare back at me, speechless.

“I even learned how to cook scrambled eggs without burning down a kitchen. Who would’ve thought?”

“I’d ask for proof, but I’m scared to,” Willow says.

“I’m finishing my business degree. That’s why I went to Anchorage the first time. To meet with my advisor and sign up for online classes. I didn’t want to say anything until I graduated because I know you’ll just roll your eyes and tell me how I never finish anything.”

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