Page 23 of Edge of Paradise

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“Wow, I hadn’t realized things had taken off so quick for you. That’s awesome. If you ever need any help with any of the tax stuff, you come see me, all right? And don’t worry about it if you don’t want to hire me but just need some advice either. My door’s open for that as well.”

“Thank you. That’s really cool of you. I’m gonna get back to work now. Gotta keep the clients happy.” The smile was pure cheek now, and Kiki saw her roller skating in a retro ‘50s waitress uniform balancing a full tray in one hand and a drooling male in the other. All with that dimpled chin and cheeky grin. Kiki saw it in bold primary colors on oil canvas with wide brush strokes.

“So?” Jax directed his next question to Andie and snapped Kiki back to her surroundings. “You found more help already?”

“Yes.” Her response was said with way more gusto than was necessary, and Kiki smirked. “Thank God! She’s going to be like my kitchen guru the few days a week I get her. She’s going to teach me too, not just cook for me. So maybe when she’s moved on to bigger and better things, I won’t starve to death out here where there’s no delivery.”

“Nice.” Jax smiled a truly delighted smile at the young girl, and Kiki felt that warmth spread again. It was a really great smile. “That’ll take a huge load off you. What about the extra field hand? You find anybody yet?”

“Well, sorta,” she hedged. Kiki and Andie had talked about it last night, and she knew Andie felt guilty for the decision she made, but Kiki hoped she’d get over it, because it was just the smart thing to do. “Logan is bringing over a friend of his to help. I haven’t met him yet, but he assured me his friend is just as dedicated and hard working as he and Abram are.”

“This is a pretty big operation you got going here. You think you might need more than just one extra body to help out around here?” From Jax’s expression, it was plain to see he thought so.

“I’ve got one more.” Andie looked at him, and Kiki saw her eyes go wide and watchful the way they did whenever she was worried about someone. “Luke. Luke wants to chip in. It didn’t make sense to say no when he wants to help oversee everything, and he also won’t let me pay him. How do I turn down free labor?”

Kiki watched Jax closely, not knowing what she expected to see. Andie had filled her in on the history between the two men, and she was very curious as to what his reaction would be. She was puzzled to see resignation.

“Oh,” he said, and she didn’t know him, but even Kiki could hear the forced cheer in his voice. “That’s great then. And it’s not exactly free labor. He gets a kid out of the deal, right?” His joke fell flat, but the other two laughed politely while Kiki pursed her lips and crossed her arms over her chest.Oh this will never do, she thought. She was going to be poking this sleeping bear every chance she got.

* * *

Andie lookedat Jax and wished she could change the way things had played out for them. He was so handsome and endearing. From the moment she met him, he’d been kind and so considerate she could hardly believe he was real and not some con artist. She had never met anyone so generous with their time and energy.

The last thing she ever wanted was to hurt him. He told her he’d wait, and that’s what he seemed to be doing. He hadn’t called or come over like he had been, giving her the space she needed. He was only here tonight, because she invited him. She missed his company. Over the last week, she had come to realize that his friendship was not something she was willing to give up on. It might be complicated; she didn’t want to lead him on or make him feel like she was keeping him on the back burner, but she did truly care for him and missed his easy charm and warm laughter. A lot.

Andie had a crazy idea forming, and she hoped like hell it didn’t backfire, but damned if she wasn’t going to see if she could have her cake and eat it too.

“As a matter of fact,” she told him while the smile she kept on her face froze, “he’s going to be joining us for dinner.”

“Excuse me?” Jax asked as his own smile melted away completely.

“Yep,” she brazened on, hoping the tactic would keep him off kilter long enough for her to get her point across. “He should be here any minute. Will you decant the wine for me?” She zipped two steps back to the dining area, where she had a bottle and the crystal decanter she’d gotten Wally for Christmas last year waiting on the table. “It takes forever, and I have to show Jessica around and help her get dinner going.” She thrust both at him before he could reply. “Thanks.” Then she motioned for her newest employee to follow her as she dashed for the kitchen like it was on fire.

“Oh, I love this kitchen,” Jessica said, coming in behind Andie to take a slow stroll around the parameter of the room. “It’s not too big, but then I don’t need that much space, since most of the time I’ll be cooking alone. I love these marble countertops too. Gorgeous.” She ran her hands over the dark green and black swirls almost lovingly.

“Me too,” Andie agreed with a smile. “Uncle Wally was not one to waste money on new stuff when the old worked just fine, as he would say, but when the pipes burst in here two winters ago and flooded everything, he decided to upgrade the entire space. And wow, did he do it right if you ask me.”

“Oh, I couldn’t agree more.” Jessica nodded as she fiddled with the drawers, opening and closing them while she tried to acquaint herself.

“Ms. Harper said you went to culinary school?” Andie asked. When she went to the post office last week to put up a flier for hired help, the sweet-faced woman behind the counter had immediately recommended Jessica. There hadn’t been any doubt in the other woman’s mind, and she’d just taken the flier and told Andie that she’d have Jessica call her that night.

Andie hadn’t known what to say or do. It was so foreign to her, the way everybody knew everybody else in this small community. It was heartwarming to see how they all made room for each other and supported one another. Andie decided it wouldn’t hurt to give Jessica a shot, and when she’d called that night as promised, there hadn’t been any interview to speak of. They just talked salary and hours and starting dates. So now, she realized she knew nothing about the slim, attractive girl fondling her KitchenAid mixer.

“Yeah. Just a course they offer at the community college, but I had great instructors.” Jessica flushed a little and tucked the golden-brown silk she had for hair behind one delicate ear where an oversized heart-shaped earring hung. “I hope to open my own organic restaurant someday. I want to grow all my own produce and find a farmer I can trust to keep to some pretty strict guidelines when it comes to the meats I’ll offer.”

“Isn’t that a little fancy for way out here?” Andie asked, thinking the people here were more the mom-and-pop coffeehouse types, while what Jessica described was much fancier than anything Harmony had to offer.

“Oh yeah.” Jessica chuckled. “But there are two reasons my place will work. One, you talk to every person here and they will tell you they are sick of having to drive hours just to eat at a place that doesn’t have plastic menus and paper napkins. And two, my food is delicious. No way it won’t work.” She stared dreamily out the window over the sink for a moment and continued in a voice gone just as dreamy as her expression. “I know I’d be a hit in a bigger city, but I couldn’t maintain my own vegetable garden there. I’d have to trust the suppliers, and sure, there are plenty who have great reputations, but I like knowing when I put a plate of food in front of someone that everything on it is pure, healthy, and delicious. My dad says that’s my control freak rearing its head, but whatever. It’s my dream.”

“Well, I think it’s a lovely dream, and I cannot wait to see what you have in store for us in the meantime.” Andie turned toward the counter, where she had washed and sliced the veggies as directed. “All of this is from the garden here. I’m no expert on gardening, but the stuff I’ve been using on it, you know, plant food and bug repellent, are what my uncle had here, and it says organic on all the labels.” She stopped speaking as Jessica took a black velvet cloth rolled up like a mini yoga mat from one of her giant bags and spread it open on the counter. “Wow,” Andie breathed. “Those are the most beautiful knives I’ve ever seen. That set must have cost a fortune.”

“You have no idea,” Jessica said with an eye roll and then reverently ran her hand along the gleaming black handles. “I got them shipped all the way from France when I graduated. A present for myself. They go with me everywhere. I won’t be leaving them here at nights, and I have to ask that nobody touch them.”

“No problem.” Andie was quite comfortable with that plan. “I’m a klutz and would probably lop off a finger just from standing too close to one of them.”

Jessica laughed, and when she looked up with her sparking blue eyes, Andie felt an immediate connection with the young girl and knew Ms. Harper had been spot on. Jessica was perfect for the job. They talked for a bit longer on the details of what her duties would be and on tonight’s dinner menu. Then, Andie was banished from the kitchen with a curt order to not come back unless her presence was requested. The chef liked her space when she created.

“Well,” Andie said when she walked out onto the covered porch where Kiki and Jax were sitting and taking in the sunset. Jax was dutifully decanting the wine, and Andie tried to hide her smile as he scowled at her.
