Page 27 of Edge of Paradise

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It was a futile effort. In his peripheral vision, he could see the evidence that she was just as affected by him as he was by her. She was breathing fast and shallow. Her nipples were hard little points straining against the front of her top, and the hardest thing for him to ignore? He could smell her. In the tight, warm confines of the cab of his truck, he was enveloped by the scents that clung to her. The shampoo she used, the perfume she’d spritzed on, and the underlying, unmistakable scent of female arousal. It was making him crazed.

* * *

Andie triedher best to appear calm, focused, and cool. She was glad for all those years of office work and dealing with difficult people; it gave her the opportunity to mask what she was really thinking and feeling. After a rapid-fire flashback of what it was like to have sex with Luke, she allowed herself a small smirk and squeezed her legs together in an effort to ease the resulting throb there. When that felt good enough to have her biting back a moan, she wiggled a little to discretely grind against the seat.

Andie smugly decided that it just wasn’t fair for men. Here she was, more turned on than she could remember being since the last time she had gone out with Luke, and he was none the wiser. A small turn of her head and a peek under her lashes revealed that Luke was focused on the road intently with a white-knuckled grip on the steering wheel, and she felt almost sorry for him. If only he knew the lascivious things she was picturing doing to his body. And having him do to hers. He’d probably wreck the truck.

Her skin felt electrified. Andie pretended to have an itch so she could run her fingers over her neck and added a back arch and stretch to go with it. Every move slid her clothes along her sensitized skin in the most delicious way. It made it impossible for her to keep still.Thank God he has no idea.Andie squirmed again and, as subtly as possible, rolled her hips forward just enough to put pressure on her swollen clit and pulsed—just a bit—while she clenched everything she could below the waist.

“Wha—?” Andie barely had time to utter a full word when Luke suddenly pulled off the side of the road and jerked to a stop. The truck was still rocking from the abrupt halt when Luke jumped out of his seat like he’d been shot from it.

She watched, speechless, as he stalked around the hood, a thunderous expression on his handsome face, and before she knew it, he ripped her door open.

“Look,” he said to her with his chest heaving and his arms braced, one on the doorframe and one on the roof. “I was going to be a gentleman… a nice guy… and spend some time courting you first. But, holy Christ, woman, I can’t take another second of this.”

When he reached for her with both hands, Andie was already releasing her belt and throwing herself toward him. The impact was solid and right. His arms felt like coming home. With lips that gave as much as they took, Luke kissed her like he was never going to stop. He pulled and she clung. With mouths never losing their intoxicating contact, he maneuvered them until she was facing where he stood in her doorway with her knees on either side of his hips and her ass still on the seat.

“I’m not going to fuck you,” he said against her neck as his hands started to gather and bunch up her skirt. “But I haven’t been able to get over the taste of you.” He was none too gently biting at her lips now as he tugged her hips closer to the edge. “It haunts me.” His tongue plunged into her mouth when that made her gasp, and he hooked his fingers in the lace of her undies. “You haunt me.” Rough and fast, he worked the underwear down her thighs, and when they got hung up on one of her shoes, he finally pulled his head back and looked her in the eye. “I will stop.” He dropped to his knees and drug her panties off the rest of the way. “Just not right now.”

Andie fell back onto the bench seat with a gasp as Luke wasted no time on teasing or working up to his goal. He sealed his mouth over her clit and kissed her there with just as much passion and skill as he did her mouth. His tongue was slick and hot; the friction of his taste buds as they rasped along her tender, responsive flesh was a benediction and a torment at once. The sensations built, and Andie had a flash of oldStar Trekreruns. She had often wondered what it must have felt like when they got transported from planet to ship. Their bodies filled up from the center outward with shimmering, glittering light until that light encompassed everything and they dissolved into sparkling nothingness. This must be what that was like.

Feeling like she wasn’t in control of her limbs, Andie arched up and braced on her elbows. Luke’s dark, close-cropped hair with his sexy widow’s peak was all she could see over the bunched-up material of her skirt. She wanted to reach a hand out to caress his face or scrape her nails along his scalp, but he made a sort of hungry growling sound, wrapped one arm around her hip, and used that hand to press on her mound. The maneuver tightened the skin there, so her clit was even more exposed to his marauding mouth, and Andie fell back with a shout as her body disintegrated once again.

Beam me up, Scotty.

Panting,tingling, and seriously wondering if her feet were still attached, Andie lifted her head enough to look down her body to where Luke rested with his cheek pillowed on her thigh. His shoulders where heaving with his breaths, and the hand on her hip clenched and unclenched around a fistful of her skirt.

“Luke—” Good grief! Was that frog-croak really her voice? Andie swallowed a couple times and cleared her throat before trying again. “Luke?” Her fingers had barely touched him when he caught them and brought her hand to press against his lips.

“I’m fine,” he said in a voice that was about three octaves lower than normal. “I just need a minute.”

“Hey,” she said and squirmed a little in an effort to get him to look her in the eye. “We don’t have to stop,” she told him when he finally looked up at her. He looked as though he were going to deny her regardless. “I don’t want to stop.” She put action to her words by sitting up and reaching for his belt as he’d had to stand when she came forward. She watched his face as she worked, frantic to get to skin, and his hands stayed lifted by his sides, giving her the freedom to take over. As soon as leather and cloth parted, her hand dipped in to find him hard as iron in her grip, and her strong fingers clamped around the shaft eagerly while she used the other hand to cup and fondle the tight sac at the base of him.

“Fucking hell, woman.” The growly words sounded like a benediction to her ears, and when she lowered her head and took him in, his whole body shuddered in bliss. Andie shuddered too, in pleasure. He felt like heaven against her tongue. Andie cupped the head with her warm palm so she could run her lips along the shaft, and then she nuzzled the soft curls at the base. He smelled fucking delicious. Like soap with a touch of fabric softener from his clothing and under that his own unmistakable scent that was his and his alone. That’s what intrigued her, drew her tongue out for a taste. He tasted like her fantasies. So she drew back and drank him down the back of her throat like a shot of tequila. One smooth gulp.

* * *

“And that’swhen I threw up on him.”

Kiki tried not to laugh, she really did. Andie was obviously mortified, but— “You actually barfed right on his dick?”

“Yes!” Andie wailed. “Well, all over his lap. His pants are ruined.” Despite her best efforts, Kiki lost it. She was perched on the lid of the toilet, since Andie had burst into the house, bolted for the stairs, and was in the shower by the time Kiki followed her into the bathroom. Doubled over now, Kiki grabbed a towel to try to muffle her chortles, but she figured Andie could hear her regardless, since she got hit on the back of her head with a sodden washcloth.

“It’s not funny!” Andie declared, but then Kiki heard her snort out a chuckle.

“Oh my God, it so is!” Kiki told her, giving up all efforts to restrain herself. “Oh, I wish I could have seen his face.”

“I nev-never knew someone’s eyes c-could actually go as big as saucers in real l-life!” Andie barely got out as she finally gave in to the humor. Then the two of them cackled like a couple hyenas on laughing gas.

“Well, I’m glad somebody’s enjoying this.”

While Andie screeched, Kiki whipped her head up to see Luke standing in the open doorframe, holding Andie’s shoes, purse, and her balled-up sweater in his hands. Hands that were not full enough to hide the fact that the entire front side of his jeans were revoltingly wet. Kiki’s whole body crumpled like one of those wacky giant air men on the roadside then rolled to the floor while uncontrollable laughter rendered her speechless.

“Oh for cryin’ out loud,” Luke grumbled, stepped over Kiki, and dropped Andie’s things in the sink. “Go ahead. Yuck it up like a couple crazy cat ladies. I’m the one over here scarred for life.” He gave a full-body shudder, his arms flopped at his sides like he was being tasered, and he made a gagging sound that sent both girls into new gales of laughter. “Worst experience of my life. But you guys feel free to keep it up. Don’t let my mental anguish detract from your amusement.” When they only laughed harder at his attempt to shame them, he gave up with a grunt of disgust and headed for the stairs. “I’ll just go take a shower downstairs before I go. Because I’ll be damned if I can stomach the smell another damn minute without barfing myself.”

“Bu-but!” Andie stammered out amid her snuffling chortles. “There’s not a shower downstairs. Only a t-t-tub.”

“Well then, Calgon can take me away!” was his shouted response, and it only made them laugh harder.
