Page 3 of Edge of Paradise

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Andie was right there with him, that leg staying where he put it on his hip. He slid his hand along the soft column of her thigh, over the lush curve of her ass, and then with firm pressure, he followed the crease between her cheeks to the satin-covered center of her.

The doors slid open. “Christ,” he cursed again, because he was shocked at the realization he’d been about to take her right there in the elevator. What baffled him even more was that he wasn’t the least bit embarrassed or sorry about it. In fact, he was more than a little ticked, because they now had to wait until they got to her room.

* * *

Andie’s handsshook so badly she could hardly get the key card in the slot. It didn’t help that the sexiest man she’d ever laid eyes on was currently hard as steel and pressed against her ass so tightly she felt every glorious inch of him. “Dammit,” she muttered when the little light on the lock flashed red for the second time.

There was a warm, masculine chuckle at her ear seconds before she felt his hot breath on her neck, and Luke’s lips brushed her skin as he asked, “Problem?” Then his hands braced on the door on one side and the wall on the other, caging her in as he leaned closer and slid his straining shaft along the crease of her ass with mind-altering results. “Want some help with that?”

Her whimper was breathy and needy, and she forgot about the stupid key momentarily to drop her head forward as she arched her ass against that enticing bulge and pushed—hard. He growled in response. Andie saw in her peripherals that the muscles in his forearms bunched, and then her world caught on fire.

Luke set his teeth into her shoulder and powered into her, crushing her against the door with his body. She felt trapped in the most delicious way. Cold, hard door in front. Hot, harder male behind. His hips surged against her with explosive accuracy, grinding against her so expertly she knew she could come if he kept this up, so she forgot about the door and gave herself up to this electric once-in-a-lifetime moment and met him force for force. The two of them pressed and strained together, mindlessly hurtling toward the breaking point.

He stiffened after mere seconds, and his words were muffled, since he kept his teeth clamped deliciously tight on her shoulder. “Open the damn door or, I swear to God, I will fuck you right here in the hall.” Then one of his hands slid between her thighs and pressed on her clit with pinpoint accuracy.

Andie made a sound she’d never heard herself make as she frantically pushed at the key card again. It was breathy, staccato, and full of raw need. She was so close to orgasm her mind seemed foggy, and there was a filmy white cloud hazing her vision. When the tiny light finally flashed green, she released a sob of relief that was almost profound and pushed the door wide.

* * *

Lassitude,filmy and thick, settled over her like a cloak, even as Luke continued to shudder with his aftershocks. Andie reveled in every one as she cradled him close, replete and glowing in the aftermath. It wasn’t until an eternity later—when he sat back and she felt that telltale trickle along her bottom as he slipped from her body—that she remembered. Shocked eyes met his contented ones. She croaked out two words, and they wiped the lethargy from his face instantly. “No condom.” She assured him, “We should be okay though. It’s not the right time for me.”

“Shit.” Luke sat back on his heels and looked at her like she’d just sprouted a second head.

“I know.” She had a feeling she was looking at him much the same way, so Andie tried to rein back in the panic and offered him a small smile. “Well, that wasn’t how I pictured this particular segment of the evening going, but at least the sex was amazing.”

“Shit.” Far from reassuring, Luke had closed off completely. Andie knew a one-night stand was always a risk, but his abrupt and cold withdrawal cut deep. Five seconds ago, Andie had felt like a goddess; she’d felt sexy and powerful and desirable. Now, all Andie felt was regret and self-consciousness. As Luke slid off the bed and started to adjust his clothes without even looking at her, Andie felt like all her flaws were magnified somehow. As much as her inner feminist roared, there were the sneering and snide voices of her past echoing in her head all the negative things she fought so hard to deny she believed about her body. She was fat. Her thighs looked like lumpy, squishy bread dough. There were acne spots on her rear, and he’d been grossed out about them. The list trailed endlessly as she wiggled and pulled to bring the blankets up to hide under.

When Luke turned back to look at her, Andie had the covers up to her chin and was running a hand under her eyes in hopes of wiping away any smudged mascara. She was shocked to see anger on his face.

“I’m sorry. I’m trying to remain calm. I really am.”

“Okay,” she answered cautiously. In her experience, nothing good ever started with that sentence.

“First off, I’m clean. So you’ve got no worries there. Never had anything or been with anybody who did.”

“That’s good to know. Same here.”This wasn’t so bad, Andie thought. She could handle this.

He gave a curt nod, opened his mouth to speak, and then snapped it shut with poorly contained nerves. “I’m sorry, Andie, but I’m still reeling here. How in the hell could you have let me believe you were on the pill?”

Now it was her turn to open and close her mouth like a fish. She felt like she’d just been sucker-punched.

“What did you just say?” Then she lifted one finger pointedly into the air when she saw the look on his face. “And let me take this opportunity tostronglyadviseyouto take this moment to think carefully before you speak.”

He actually snarled at her! “I’m not playing games, Andie. What if I just got you pregnant?”

“Excuse me?” Self-consciousness was now replaced with rising temper, and Andie gathered the sheet around herself to face off with him. “I don’t recall you asking me any questions about it at the time. And besides, I told you the timing’s off.”

“Do you even comprehend how un-reassuring that is? To rely on yourtiming? Besides, I just assumed you would have told me if we needed a condom. I thought you were on the pill or something.”

Andie was dumbfounded. “Wow, there’s a lot to unpack there. Let’s start with how stupid it is to just assume anything about a woman’s birth control. Just as ridiculous if I were to say I assumed you had a vasectomy.” She didn’t particularly want to give his ego the stroke these next words would undoubtedly deliver, but at least she was going to have the balls enough to own her part in this. “And the reason I didn’t say anything before is because you had my brain shut down with lust and I could barely remember my own name.” She gave him her most cutting glare. “Now thatthatis no longer a problem, you can show yourself out. I’m going to take a shower and try to wash the stench of this night from my body.” She took a wide berth around him on her way.

“We’re not done here.” He grabbed her elbow. Andie looked down at his dark hand on her pale arm and hated that, as mad as she was, the zing was still there. She snatched out of his grasp.

“Yes,” she assured him, “we are.”

“Look. I’m not trying to offend you or hurt your feelings. Just… I’d feel a lot better about this if you’d just get dressed, then we could head to an after-hours pharmacy, and get you one of those morning-after deals.” It did nothing to ease her volcanic temper that he fumbled at the end and looked uncomfortable asking.

“Fuck you.” Beyond livid, Andie stabbed an angry finger toward her door. “Get out now before I call security to get you out.”
