Page 20 of Bound in Lace

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When Dean slid his thick, iron-hard shaft into her, her body was so primed, so sensitized that she came again from that one smooth glide. When she opened her eyes to gaze into his incredibly handsome face, it was as if she were looking through a fog filter.

“Oh my God!” Kimberly moaned; his girth caused ricochets of sensations to zap from her pussy and throughout her entire being. “Oh, God, Dean, I love you. Dean, I love you so much.”

And he groaned and began moving in her, cupping her face and giving the words back to her with such tenderness tears leaked from her eyes.

Sam slipped his finger out of her ass, and she felt something cool and hard probe her there. Dean stilled.

“You’re ready for this, sweetheart,” Sam told her and laid a trail of hot kisses along the line of her shoulder as he began to work his thick length into her ass. He was not a small man and they’d only put fingers in there thus far. Plus, Dean wasn’t moving. He stayed seated in her to the hilt, which made Sam’s entrance a slow, incredibly tight fit that had fireworks going off behind her closed eyes. Kimberly began to pant. Sam had applied lubricant, but lubricant only aided the friction—it did nothing for the girth. Kimberly was in delicious pain.

“There you go.” He was in. Sam kissed her temple. They were both in her as far as their bodies and hers would allow and the feeling was beyond anything Kimberly would have ever dreamed. Tears fell unheeded as they began to move. She loved them—she told them so repeatedly in unabashed cries as they made love to her, and their passion raged. She felt both cocks thrusting inside her body, sliding against each other with only a thin layer of ultra-sensitive tissues separating them. The stimulation was driving her insane.

Kimberly felt every thrust as a new climax, every pump as a new height. She could no longer draw in breath to scream, her feet and hands felt as if they were about to be blown right off her body. Sam released all her ropes at once and the relief of pressure, the rush of blood flowing back into her, sent a wave of pleasure crashing through her. The rush hit her system with such force that everything went blinding white and then pitch black.

Chapter Five

“Michiko hasn’t reported in,and we haven’t been able to contact her for over two hours,” Cas told his two favorite agents, scratching at his scalp in worry. He wasn’t supposed to have favorites, but he thought of his agents like his kids, and fuck professionalism. Cas hadn’t climbed this damned ladder. He’d been shoved up it with everyone’s head’s up his ass propelling him along the way.

The two idiots in front of him were just about the brightest toys in his box of tricks, and right now he needed them more than ever.

“Oh shit,” Dean said and gaped from him to his partner who looked scared spitless. Good; it was no less than he’d expected from his best. The men under him carried more than badges—they were invested in the work they did, or they found other work. No one who carried a gun under his watch did so with a cold heart. Even the life of a scumbag wasn’t one to be wasted.

The two men seated before him now understood his way of thinking more than any under his command.

“That bitch has got her, Cas,” Sam said in disgust. “Somehow, she ambushed Michiko and snatched her.”

Cas frowned at the man like he was the village idiot. “No shit, Sherlock. Why do you think I called you guys here? Now, what are we gonna do about it?”

Sam threw his hands in the air then rubbed them on his thighs while he pulled a face of agitation. Dean got up and paced the cramped office. The small room filled with caged energy.

“She was beat to shit last night, too,” Dean said mournfully, and Cas felt something in his stomach drop to his feet.

“What the hell do you mean?”

Dean only shook his head and looked out the window, guilt in every line of his dejected frame.

“Kato warned us,” Sam told him instead, his face somber, “but we didn’t take it in, I guess. Kimberly did her aftercare this morning and told us she’d been covered in welts and bruises so bad she should’ve been taken to the hospital. She said she was shocked there wasn’t internal bleeding.”

“Well fucking hell!” Cas shouted. “What the fuck were you assholes thinking? I sent her in thereprotected,you stupid fucks! This is just great! Just fucking great! Now, she’s gone into a situation compromised, and you two are standing here in my office with your dicks out. What the hell have you got to say for yourselves?” Cas never yelled, but unholy fury mixed with a blood-curdling fear, and he was ready to tear the entire state apart stone by stone to find Michiko. The two men in front of him knew better than to confront or argue when he was in this mood.

“Nothing, Cas. We got nothing to say.” This was Sam. He placed his elbows on the desk and his face in his hands, the very picture of dejection, and Cas cursed. He couldn’t yell at the man now. It’d be like kicking a puppy, for Christ’s sake.

Cas turned his fury on Dean. Dean looked pissed, and Cas was glad for that. He needed an outlet for his rage. But the other man cut an angry hand through the air though before Cas could get a word out. “Look, you can tear us both a well-deserved new one after we get her back, all right?” Dean kicked over one of Cas’ folder piles and looked as if he’d like to add some holes in the wall to go with it, but since he wasn’t a neanderthal he stuffed his hands in his pockets instead.

“Look,” Sam said to the desk, “we know Rachel’s got her, right? Let’s go talk to Grungy again and not let the son of a bitch out of the box until we break him.”

It was as good a place to start as any, so Cas stood and led the men from his office without another word.

“Nice o’you boys ta come see me again,” Grungy told them once the officers had led him to the interview room. Ever since his arrest, Grungy had been kept in solitary at a local jailhouse close to FBI headquarters. The security was minimal, so they’d had extra security stationed just in case, but the decision had been made to keep him close in order to sweat out more intel from their reluctant, repulsive guest. So far, their strategy had been unsuccessful. Sam and Dean were not leaving this room until they’d changed that. “Though, I gots to tell ya. I still aint got nothin ta say. I keep tellin ya. Them two girls only got what they was askin fer. I swear it. I don’t know nothin ‘bout no other missin’ girls, and when I settle on a real lawyer, I’mma own this town and yer two badges, cuz this here is what you call false imprisonment.” Then he sat back in his chair like he’d just delivered the presidential address and grinned at them with his blackened, rotted teeth. Sam wanted nothing more than to knock out what was left of them.

“Just keep telling yourself that, asshole,” Dean told him and sneered. “Just keep firing every public defender they send you. They’re all going to keep telling you the same thing. You’re screwed six ways to Sunday and the only way you’re ever going to see even the tiniest bit of daylight ever again in your miserable Godforsaken life is if you wise up and start talking now.”

But Grungy only smiled at Dean and tipped back in his chair, obviously enjoying their distress.

“Whooo, hoo.” He chuckled. “You boys is sure fired up. What bees got up yer butts, huh? Yer little subbie boring you already or somethin’?” He scratched at his balls and Sam almost lunged for him just for having Kimberly in his mind.

“No, Rachel Bradshaw is,” Dean said and if Sam hadn’t been staring with deadly intent at the man, he would’ve missed it. The slight flicker in the eyes. Sam clocked it, though. He looked to his partner to see if he’d caught it, but Dean was stalking the room in agitation and Grungy had his sneer back in place when Sam looked back. Sam had the stench of his trail now. Up until now, Grungy’d never shown the slightest response to the mention of her. Or neither he nor Dean had caught it till this point, but Sam wasn’t going to let this slip by. Maybe it was the length of time apart, maybe it was boredom, Sam didn’t know or care, but the man had just left a string dangling, and by God, he was going to tug it.

“Listen boys,” Grungy said, striving for uninterested and coming off scared. “I’m bored now. Wrestling’s comin’ on soon. I’m goin’ back to my bunk.”
