Page 30 of Twist of Fate

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He still had the advantage, he was bigger, stronger, hadn’t just transitioned and knew this land like the back of his hand—or in this case, his paw. Running from the threat of an enraged mate in an area unknown to her, Quinn’s tigress most likely would keep to the path, taking her down to the beach or up to the headland. The beach would be easier; tigers of both sexes were excellent swimmers.

Taking a shortcut, Bodie charged toward the Gulf, bypassing the path normally taken by those who lived here. Quinn’s tiger almost barreled into him as he tried to cut her off. She veered to the left, which would take her to the beach. All things considered, he thought the beach to be a better place to confront her. If he had to take her down, the sand was softer than the rocks that made up the bluff.

He had to stop himself from watching the grace and power with which she moved. Most people, when they shifted for the first time, were awkward and had trouble even trotting and dealing with a tail, but not Quinn. No, her tigress flew across the ground like some kind of land yacht in complete control of the wind. She used her tail like a rudder to help her move with precision and speed.

Bodie had to remind himself that if he didn’t quit admiring how beautiful she was, she might get herself hurt. He roared as he picked up the chase and raced after her. He barely noticed the differing textures of the grassy dunes as they gave way to loose sand and then hardpack.

Quinn seemed to spot the dock which jutted out into their cove and currently had two sailboats and a powerboat tied up. He couldn’t take the chance that she could make it to the boats and put on a burst of speed. Her tigress had shown cunning and the ability to take advantage of Quinn, not knowing what to expect. His mate would need to learn to control her inner beast. He had the advantage of being on a straighter trajectory to get to the jetty. He was also bigger, stronger, and had been a tiger-shifter all his life.

Just as her paws hit the end of the dock, covered with sand, Bodie leapt and landed in the middle of her back, driving her down onto the ground as he reached up and grabbed the nape of her neck with his teeth in order to subdue her. Quinn did not submit. She roared in defiance and tried to twist around in order to use her lethal claws. Bodie had anticipated this move and held her in his teeth, shaking her savagely.

Quinn growled and slashed at him with her back feet, trying to get enough purchase to toss him off and get away. He had no intention of doing that. Again, he shook her, growling as he did so. She would learn to submit, and she would learn it now. He allowed his anger and primal lust to roll down the bonding link, overwhelming her.

Shift!He told her through the link.Shift!

The tigress beneath him stilled and after a moment’s pause, she became his human mate. Bodie relaxed his hold, shifted back, and then stood over her, offering her his hand to get up. He didn’t realize the vulnerability of his balls in relation to the position of her foot until it was too late. Quinn kicked up with her foot, ramming his ball sac up into his body cavity. Bodie tried to reach out to grasp her hair as she jumped to her feet and began to run down the dock.

He dropped to his knee, his hand trying to massage injured body parts. “Damn it, Quinn, come back here,” he shouted.

“Fuck you, Lambeau,” she called over her shoulder as she ran for the powerboat.

He groaned as he got to his feet and began to run after her, his balls informing him they wanted nothing to do with her, although his dick was arguing vehemently in favor of taking her on the dock. He had expected to sire children on her. His balls argued they might never recover. His dick called his balls pussies, which only made him think of her pussy and how it had felt when she was impaled on his cock.

The fact that his dick was still hard was something of a miracle. He would have imagined it would have wilted and tried to go into hiding with his testicles, but no, all it wanted was to have at her again, this time with its barbs in all their glory. He couldn’t help but notice how truly gorgeous she was as she ran, her backside still showing the faintest hint of pink from the brief spanking he’d given her up in their room.

His cock throbbed to get his attention and remind him that if he didn’t get his ass in gear, his mate was going to get away. Bodie could not allow that to happen for a whole myriad of reasons. Mostly, his dick reminded him, because he really wanted to fuck her. He didn’t care how mean she was or how savage her tigress, Quinn Forrester aroused him in a way no other ever had.

Bodie began to run down the dock, gaining ground on her with each stride—despite the protestation of his dangly parts. She didn’t understand the danger of her position. Not only would the cartel want to kill her, but there were those among the shifter community who would consider a freshly transitioned human who had been turned without her consent to be a threat to shifters everywhere.

Stretching, reaching, he fisted the tail-end of her locks, skidding to a halt and dragging her back to him. She whirled with a fist ready to punch him in the nose. She looked confused. No doubt she’d tried to call her tigress forth and failed. That wasn’t unexpected—it took tremendous energy to shift and especially for the uninitiated and unprepared, the first shift could leave them wrecked and ravaged.

Working his hand up her hair so he had a better grip, he hauled her into his chest. “When I tell you to stop or return to me, you do it.”

She tried to bring her knee back up into his privates, but this time he anticipated her move.

“Nasty tempered she-cat. The next time you approach any of my dangly parts with anything other than loving intention, I’ll spank you so hard you won’t sit for a week.”

His cock throbbed against her belly.

“Are you fucking kidding me?” she snarled with a downward glance.

“Hey, the heart wants what the heart wants.” He needed to ratchet down the emotion running up and down the tether.

“Hot news flash for you, El Tigre—that isn’t your damn heart.”

Without letting loose of her hair, his other hand slipped down and cupped her ass, holding her close as he explored and enjoyed the silky feel of her skin. Bodie was torn between letting nature take its course and proving to his mate here and now that he was the dominant partner by sinking his hard cock deep into her soft, wet heat.

The primal predator in him wanted to listen to his cock, throw her down on the ground and slam into her without any further ado. He wanted to pound into her over and over until she was screaming his name loud enough so everyone atForce et Honneurcould hear her surrender to him. But she deserved better than that. She deserved a mate who could dominate her without resorting to brutal force.

No. He could make his point by hoisting her over his shoulder and taking her back up to the house like some kind of naked Viking berserker returning to the village with his prize. Oh, he meant to fuck her, he reassured his dick, but not until he had her in their bed where he could ravage her with all the windows open.

His mouth came down on hers for a brutal kiss that provoked at first another flurry of trying to get away, then resistance and rigidity, before she moaned and sagged into his body, allowing the kiss to morph from dominance to sensual exploration in the space of a heartbeat. When he lifted his head, she was staring back at him with a kind of wonder that he thought boded well.

Bodie’s hand came up to smooth back her hair and brush some sand from her cheek. “You were incredible. Your tigress perceived me as a threat and moved to protect you even though you had no way to know how to call her forward.”

“No,” whispered Quinn, “she just said we were one and then charged me. There was some kind of storm-like phenomenon…”

“The shift.”

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