Page 8 of Finding Her Heart

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Harper shook her head and turned away. Looking into the fireplace she said, “I can’t cry. I keep thinking the tears will come, but they just won’t.”

“I can help with that.”

“No, you can’t.”

“I can.”


“Has anyone ever spanked you?”

“No, and I’ll punch the lights out of anyone who tries.”

“I’ve been involved with D/s since before I joined the park service. I was young, had a bad temper and worse impulse control.”

She looked stunned. “D/s? Like the kind of stuff Morgan Jennings writes about?”

“I don’t know that author.”

“She writes about dominant men who discipline their women. It’s all very sexy and she is an advocate for the lifestyle.”

“I play at a club close to where my ranch is. I’m one of the Doms who’s known for being able to provide just the kind of spanking and support some women need. Men, too, I guess, but I confine my spanking just to women.”

“So, you do it to get laid.”

He took a breath and exhaled slowly, obviously trying to control his temper. She didn’t want him in control. She wanted him spinning in the emotional chaos right alongside her.

“Sometimes yes, sometimes no. It depends—it’s all negotiated beforehand, and it’s all consensual. Is there a sexual component? Often, but not always.”

“You’re a sick bastard,” she said, pushing at him.

“There’s no need to get nasty, Harper.”

“Sure, there is. My sister’s dead, and you’re in here trying to seduce me.”

“That is not what I’m trying to do, and you know it.”

“I don’t know anything.”

That wasn’t necessarily true. She knew she wanted Spence but felt like she was the worst sister in the world for wanting him. She couldn’t accept what he was offering, even though it sounded like just what she needed.

“Settle down, Harper.”

“You can’t tell me what I want or don’t want,” she snarled.

His face took on a hard, resigned look. “Can’t I? There’s something in D/s called consensual non-consent. It’s when the sub knows what she wants but can’t bring herself to ask for it. Is that where you’re at?”

She couldn’t find the words to ask him so just stared, hoping he’d be able to see through her tough cowgirl act. Dulcie had always been the only one who could.

Spence jerked a piece of paper out of the desk and scrawled across it:

I’m in need of a spanking and Colton Spencer has agreed to do it for me. My safe word is red.

“Sign it,” he said, thrusting the piece of paper at her. “If at any time you want me to stop, just say ‘red.’”

Harper grabbed the pen and signed the paper, wondering what the hell she’d just let herself in for. He was truly the sexiest, most gorgeous guy she’d ever seen. Everything about the man made all her erotic zones tingle. She bet she was the only woman who got stiff nipples watching him drop the perfect loop over a steer’s horns.

She wasn’t sure what all she wanted, but she just wanted to feel something—anything. From the moment she’d confirmed the murder victim was her sister, she’d gone ice-cold inside.

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