Page 101 of Bear

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“It’s fine. RJ knows and is letting me stay here until I find another place.”

“Are you well enough for a road trip with me?”

“Hell yes. When and where?”

“Atlanta and, um, now?”

“Now, now?”

“Yes. You don’t have to come with me.”

“Of course I’m coming with you. Give me a minute to pack my shit.”

“Take your time. In fact, let me get my things together, then I’ll come pack for you.”

“Nah, I can handle it. Do what you need to do.”

“Okay, thanks for agreeing to come with me.”



Iwas so damn happy when RJ called to say Lyla was back at the house. Then he told me she said she was just picking up her things, so I knew I needed to hurry.

Even when I’m standing in the doorway, watching her throw things in a bag, I have no idea what to say to her. That’s why I find myself telling her, “I agreed to come to the pool the next day because I thought you might be there. And I would have a second chance to ask you out.”

It takes Lyla a moment to respond, like she’s trying to figure out what the hell I’m talking about. When she does, she rolls her eyes and goes back to packing. “That’s ridiculous.”

“It’s the truth. I swear. Give me a polygraph test right now.”

“Bear, there’s only one truth I want, and neither you nor my father will give it to me!”

“Only because it’ll hurt you.”

She turns around to finally look at me, her hands propped on her hips. “Hurt me?”

“If you want me to tell you everything, then I will, baby. I know that’s the only way to make things right. I just wish you would trust me that this is not something you need…you want to ever know.”

“Tell me.”

I exhale and then go over to sit down on the side of the bed next to where Lyla’s standing. I want to touch her, hold her so bad it hurts.

“It’s been eating me up, keeping this from you,” I start. “I didn’t want you to ever find out, and neither did your father. He doesn’t think you can handle it.”

“Of course not. He still thinks I’m a child!”

“He’s right about this, Lyla. I wish I didn’t know. It wouldn’t be so hard if…”

“Tell me, Barrett. Please? I can handle it.”

Squeezing my eyes shut, I finally force my mouth to say the words. “The man who was after you, he was your biological father.”

When I open my eyes, she’s staring down at me, her face blank.

“What are you talking about? My father is my father.”

“No, your real father was Calvin Dockery.”
