Page 13 of Bear

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“With the same person?” RJ asks.

“Oral counts too, right? Do we win another pitcher?” Avery questions Greer, who nods his agreement.

“Definitely counting oral,” Remy says. “If so, ballparking it, put us down for twenty.”

“Twenty?” I repeat in disbelief.

Greer shrugs. “At an average of three times a day, it’s very possible.” He cracks his knuckles. “Even for an old man like me.”

“Not fair. You two work together and live together,” Colt says to Remy and Avery. “You have more opportunities.”

“Don’t be a sore loser, bro,” Remy taunts him. Picking up a handful of peanuts from the bowl on the table, he throws them in his direction.

“I call bullshit,” I mutter, but only Greer hears me over my siblings arguing.

“Call it all you want. You’ve been missing out, man. It’s time to brush the dust off your dick and get back out there.”

Shaking my head, I tell him, “I wish it were that easy.”

“Are you really not over her? The ex-wife?”

“I don’t know. I haven’t even seen her since way before I got the divorce papers.”

“You need to figure out how to close the book on that shitty chapter of your life so that you can move on.”

“I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to sleep around, you know, one girl to the next.”

“You won’t know unless you try. And trust me, sleeping with someone else will help you get over her once and for all. You just need another female body to worship so you can forget the last one you were with. Erase her completely from your head and your dick’smemory.” Greer slaps the bar and says, “Either way, you owe me for two pitchers of beer.”

When he goes off to fill them, RJ comes over and takes the stool next to mine.

“This town is so fucking boring,” he remarks. “Tomorrow is Saturday, right?”

“Right. Are you working?”

“Nah. Jordan is. The kid is great. I tell him to do something, and he just does it. No questions asked.”

“Yeah, must be nice to have a prospect. Hopefully, I can find the rest of us one soon,” I reply.

“Hey, you want to do something tomorrow? Get out of town?” RJ asks.


I pick up my phone to look at the date. Tomorrow’s the fifteenth. Laurel’s wedding day.

I told Lyla I wouldn’t crash the reception or bust into the ceremony to object, and I don’t want to do either. I think I just want to see her happy with someone else. Maybe that will give me the closure I need to move on.

“So where should we go?”

“Ah, I don’t know yet,” I lie. “We could just ride around, see what sort of shit we can get into.”

“Like what?”

“Like, we’ll just see where the road takes us.”

RJ shrugs. “Okay. Sounds fun.”

I don’t tell him that the road is going to take us to Clay County, to the fairgrounds. If I did, he would probably still say he was in, but then he might tell Colt or Remy. They would bitch and say it’s a bad idea, which I already know.
