Page 54 of Bear

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Oh, hell no. I am not going to stand around and watch them shoot at each other or even punch each other.

I grab Barrett’s arm to stop him. “Maybe you should just go.”

“Go?” he says in surprise as he looks down my face. “You want me to go?”

“If it prevents blood from being shed, then yes.”

“I don’t have a problem with him. The puppy is the one showing up here starting shit because his owner told him to.”

“Barrett, please.”

He grits his teeth but eventually says, “Fine. If you get in your car and leave, then I will too.”

“Thank you.” I stand on my toes to grab his shoulders and give him a kiss on his cheek. Turning to Thane, I tell him, “Get back on your bike. He’s leaving, okay?”

“That’s what I fucking thought,” my father’s minion grumbles unhelpfully. Of course, he doesn’t move.

“I’ve got your number,” Barrett says before he leans down to place a kiss on my lips. “I’m gonna call you.”

“Good,” I tell him with a smile.

“Now get in your car,” he adds before he starts walking off.

I’m about to do as I’m told before I remember I can’t see anything further than three feet away from my face without my glasses. Since I’ve just successfully managed to keep the two men from fighting, I decide not to call Barrett back to ask him for the favor.

Walking over to Thane, I ask, “Can you give me a ride back to my friend’s house?”

The biker glances over at Bear and then back to me. “Why can’t you drive yourself?” he asks as if he knows letting me on the back of his bike could be more trouble than it’s worth right now.

“I can’t see the road without my glasses. I don’t know what I was thinking. I wasn’t thinking,” I ramble. “Look, will you give me a ride, or should I flag down Bear and go with him?”

Thane exhales so heavily I feel the warm air on my face. “Fine. Here, you can wear my helmet.”

He slaps the helmet onto my head and fastens the chin strap.

While I would rather be riding off on the back of Bear’s bike, Iknow that would only put a bigger bullseye on him. He isn’t going to like seeing me take off with Thane, but I don’t have a lot of options here.

I wonder if seeing me leave with him will even bother him? A perverse part of me thinks that I may enjoy it if he were jealous because it would mean he cares.

I’ve never had a guy care enough to be jealous of me talking or riding with someone else.

I realize almost immediately why jealousy is such a problem. Instead of using the exit near his motorcycle, when Bear saw Thane put his helmet on me, he planted a boot and swung his motorcycle back toward the rear exit where we’re standing near my car.

I’m glad I’m wearing a helmet as he kicks up a dust cloud around us, and then I flinch as he skids to a stop near Thane’s bike. Bear’s Harley backfires twice before he peels out onto the main road and disappears down the street. “Bear said it wouldn’t start earlier,” I tell Thane as I follow him back toward his motorcycle. “Sounded like something was wrong with it, didn’t it?”

“That motherfucker!” Thane exclaims as he jogs the last few feet over to his bike. When I catch up to him, I can see both of his tires are flat, a bullet hole perfectly piercing through each one.

Oh my god! I can’t believe Barrett did that!

I mean, shooting a gun around people is crazy enough, but the bullet could’ve ricocheted off the engine block and hit me or Thane! Not only was it irresponsible, but it’s going to make my father and the Devil Hounds even more furious with him and the Savage Kings.



Ileft her standing in the parking lot with that bastard with the stupid-ass name.

Who names their fucking kid Thane? He probably made that shit up to try and be cooler when it just makes him look like even more of a dickhead.
