Page 58 of Bear

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“You can’t be serious!” Colt exclaims.

Thane and the other man move to stand in front of Jordan’s chair at the same time a few more of his bikers show up just in time to block the doorway.

“It’s fine. I’m fine. Don’t do anything crazy, man,” Jordan stands up and says to Colt right before Thane turns around and pushes on his shoulders.

“Sit your ass down, pussy.”

When RJ and Colt both take a step forward with their fists clenched by their sides, Remy throws both of his arms out in front of their chest to stop them. “Don’t,” he warns. To Isaac, Remy says, “Look, we’re not folding our club, and what happens between you and your daughter isn’t on us. What if she never comes home?”

“If she doesn’t, then this boy here won’t ever come home,” he says, jerking his chin toward Jordan.

“Look,” I start. “I honestly don’t even know where Lyla is staying, okay? We haven’t talked since the other day. She may not answer my calls or texts.”

Isaac looks skeptical at that before he finally says, “Oh, I know where she’s at. I’ll even give you the address.” He scribbles something down on a piece of paper, then reaches across the desk to hand it to Thane, who brings it over to me. I take it because, hell yes, I want to know where Lyla is because I want to see her, talk to her again, even though I shouldn’t.

“If you know where she’s at, then why don’t you just go drag her ass back home!” Colt yells at him.

“Because he doesn’t want to be the bad guy,” I answer for him as I fold the piece of paper into a small square and slip it into my jeans’ front pocket. “She’s already pissed at him for telling her she couldn’t see me.”

“Our club can’t be punished for your family’s problems,” Remy remarks.

“Everett, Thane, show these boys out, will ya?” Isaac says, dismissing us.

“Fuck it. Let’s go,” Remy mutters. “Now, Colt. The kid will be fine because if he’s not, every one of these assholes are dead.”

Hugo grabs Colt’s shoulder to urge him toward the door in front of the rest of us.

“We’ll get this sorted out, kid,” Colt tells Jordan. “Hang in there, okay?”

“Okay, just don’t tell my mom!” he calls back, making Colt grumble out a curse.

I don’t heave a sigh of relief, though, until our weapons are all returned to us.

If they were going to just kill us when we walked out, they wouldn’t let us arm up first.

As soon as we’re in the parking lot, Colt loses it. “We can’t just leave him here!”

“So, you want to go back inside and have a shootout where we’re outgunned ten to one?” Remy asks him. “The kid would be the first one they pull the trigger on.”

“How the hell am I supposed to just leave and go tell Josie thather son’s been kidnapped by some psycho bikers?” he asks. “I promised her the club would watch his back, keep him safe.”

Remy, RJ, Hugo, and Greer turn to me. “I’ll handle it tonight,” I promise them.

“Get the girl home, and then we can try and negotiate Jordan’s release. Isaac’s just being a prick so you will help smooth shit over with his daughter. He knows folding the chapter isn’t an option,” Remy remarks.

“Do you need us to come with you? I’ll drag that little bitch home kicking and screaming if I have to,” Colt remarks.

“No, just let me go talk to her, okay? Go to the bar. Have a beer, and try to stay calm,” I tell them, not appreciating him calling Lyla a bitch when this is all her father’s fault, not hers.

“I’ll stay here to keep an eye on Jordan,” RJ offers.

“We can’t leave you here alone,” Remy tells him.

“He’s my prospect. It’s my job to make sure he’s okay.”

“I’ll stay too,” Colt says.

“No. Go home and be with Josie,” RJ responds. “You know you want to be there with her.”

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