Page 83 of Bear

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“That’s sweet. I’m glad you both got your happy endings.”

“You’ll get yours too,” Josie assures me. I open my mouth to voice my uncertainty when she says, “Things may be rocky for now, but it’ll all work out how it’s meant to in the end.”

And while I hope she’s right, I can’t help but wonder if being with Bear is too good to be true. Everything is going so great between us. Well, other than the man who is after me for some reason my father is keeping from me.

Before I have time to dwell on that, though, Bear comes over to our table. Lifting my hair away from my neck to kiss my sensitive skin there, he then whispers, “Ready to go home? I need you.”

That’s all it takes for me to cave.

Maybe tomorrow, I’ll worry about how he can say a few words, and that’s all it takes to make me melt into a lovesick puddle.


I’m awake before Lyla, so I slip out of bed as quietly and gently as possible so as not to disturb her. After the three rounds of crazy-good sex last night, she probably needs more time to recover.

After I get my shower, I decide to cook her some breakfast and serve it to her in bed.

It seems like a little thing, but it makes me happy to be able to spoil her any way I can.

Waking up, falling asleep together, sharing meals, it’s what I was looking forward to most when I married Laurel, but I never got the chance to do any of those things with her.

She didn’t give me the chance.

In fact, I don’t even know why she married me if she wasn’t going to move to base with me to have a real marriage.

I still wish I could ask her, but it’s no longer something that keeps me up at night. Not when I would much rather spend my time thinking about Lyla.

Before I take the blueberry pancakes I made to her, I send her father a quick text, asking if he’s had any luck finding the asshole who is after her.

Her father.

I hate keeping the truth from her, but it’s for the best.

Soon, he’ll hopefully be dead, and she can go on living her life without knowing the ugly truth.

But instead of good news, her father sends back,We’ve looked everywhere, in every abandoned property in a hundred-mile radius but can’t find the son of a bitch.

My good mood is dinged but not ruined, especially when I walk into the bedroom with the tray of pancakes and orange juice and find Lyla sitting up in bed with her back against the headboard.

Her phone is held up to her ear, and her smile widens when she sees me.

“I’m glad you called and so relieved you’re getting released,” she says into the device, telling me exactly who she’s talking to. And how can I be jealous of a man who took a bullet for her?

“Okay, see you soon,” Lyla says before she ends the call. To me, she says, “Wow, is that for me?”

“Of course,” I tell her as I place the tray on her lap that’s still underneath the covers.

“Thank you, it looks delicious!”

“You’re welcome,” I reply as I take a seat on the edge of the bed. “Thane doing better?”

She lifts the glass of juice to her lips and takes a sip while nodding. “Yes, he is. They’re releasing him from the hospital today.”

“That’s great.”

She bites her lip like she wants to say more when she picks up her fork.

