Page 25 of Snake

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Then a tree limb had slammed against this side of the house so many times I’d remained on edge.

Sam hadn’t given me away when I’d been so ridiculously terrified that I’d searched for a weapon, taking a butcher knife from the kitchen. Then I’d found a small cabinet of weapons in the closet of the bedroom where I’d been staying. I’d been tempted to try to pick the lock but had talked myself out of it. Sam’s company had taken away the feeling of panic.

Now I felt guilty closing the door in the pup’s face, but I needed time to get my shit together after what Maverick and I had shared together. If I could.

The room was still warm from his shower and after grabbing a set of towels, I started the water, allowing my thoughts to return to how sexy he looked wearing a towel and nothing else. I really didn’t know what I was doing any longer.

I dropped my clothes, hating that my hands were shaking. Then I made certain the locket was still in place, squeezing it for a few seconds. Maybe I was kidding myself that I’d ever find her. When I moved into the shower, I leaned against the corner, fighting the same darkness that threatened to take away the joy from the night before.

“You’re nothing but a whore, Amelie. Don’t you forget that.”

Amelie. My real name. I’d selected a name from a book in a hurry. I only hoped it was enough of a cover.

As I closed my eyes, I envisioned Maverick.

But only seconds later, the beautiful vision was crushed, my father’s face when he’d shoved the contract in my hands returning. The chance that I’d already been found was slim to nil, but that didn’t make the memories any easier.

I moved under the water, allowing it to splash against my face.

And for the first time since I’d escaped into the darkness, I allowed myself to cry for one reason.

I felt safe.

* * *


Lily had been quiet since our accidental meeting in the hallway, doing nothing more than staring at the front window at the snow and my truck. At least she’d accepted the Henley shirt and sweatpants I’d provided. I found myself staring at her far too often. She looked adorable in my clothes and I almost told her as much.

Like that was going to get me anywhere.

I didn’t claim to be a good cook, but she refused to eat any scrambled eggs or toast. At least Sam had a good breakfast.

With my coffee cup in hand, I headed for the living room, studying her from behind. “I can probably take you to your truck now. But I’m going to warn you that your tires are very worn, and the roads are slicker in the snow. While the sun helped pack down the snow, there’s still a chance you’ll get stuck. If that happens, I’ll dig you out.”

“Really?” She glanced over her shoulder, giving me a onceover.

“Yeah. I’ll follow you back to the motel to make sure you don’t have any issues.”

“You don’t need to do that.”

“I know what you said before. You can handle yourself, Lily. You’re one tough girl. However, this is Montana and your truck is shit. We’ll leave in a few minutes. You’re gonna need to put up with Sam in the Cherokee. He’s coming with me today.”

That brought a smile to her face and without any hesitation, she dropped to her knees, Sam reacting immediately. “That’s no problem,” she said, using ooey-gooey words with him. “He’s such a baby.”

“He’s a tracking dog.” There was no reason for me to tell her. Maybe I was trying to find a way to open up a line of communication. Shit, I sounded like the psychiatrist I’d been forced to see for a couple of months after returning from overseas.

“That doesn’t mean he’s not a cuddle-wuddle bug. Right, baby boy?” When he whined, pressing his entire head in her lap, I threw him a harsh look.


At least she laughed. “Your daddy is a mean man, Sam.”

“Don’t you forget it,” I teased, although I was still grousing as I walked into the bedroom.

By the time I grabbed a jacket, finding my keys and Sam’s leash, she was standing by the door with her coat on, her duffle in her hand.

Even worse, she’d changed back into her clothes, which meant she’d cut the last tie between us. I wasn’t into picking up lost puppy dogs anyway. I’d done that with Sam and that was my limit.

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