Page 3 of Snake

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A lump formed in my throat when he leaned forward, a smirk crawling across his face. “I thought I should be the one to tell you that you won’t be returning to college this spring.”

I glared at him for a few seconds then started to laugh. “What the hell are you talking about?” In my mind, I started doing the calculations regarding the remaining fees. At minimum without money for my apartment and food, I’d need at least eighteen thousand dollars. He never paid more than a semester at a time, and it hadn’t dawned on me why until now.

He’d planned on using it as a bargaining chip.

The fucking son of a bitch.

I bit back a combination of anger and tears, hiding behind the same mask I’d learned to portray so well.

“What the hell am I talking about,” he repeated then rubbed his jaw. “I must admit, I lost track of how many years you’ve spent wasting your life. I’m grateful to my accountant for bringing it to my attention.” He continued to drum his fingers on the desk, every sound echoing in my ears. “Your particular skills are needed elsewhere.”

He glanced down at my attire for a second time and I was ready to jump out of my skin.

“What do you want, Carmine?” We’d never been close, which is why I’d chosen to call him by his first name after I’d turned eighteen. He wasn’t fond of me either. But since he’d been responsible for me after my mother had… disappeared, he hadn’t been able to toss me aside.

But that didn’t mean he couldn’t use me for something else altogether. I was no fool. He was the kind of man who did nothing without getting something in return.

“Your cooperation, of course. In truth, you have no choice. Your apartment is being cleaned out as we speak.”

Shock tore through me, my throat immediately starting to close. Whoa. He must have found out I was investigating him. “What did you say?”

“Yes, I took the liberty of contacting the cheap college you’ve been going to, explaining that you won’t be returning.”

I jerked to a standing position, backing away as the horror of what he’d done began to settle. “Iamreturning to school. I’ll find a way even if you don’t pay for it.”

“I happen to know exactly how much money you have in your bank account, Amelie. Does eight hundred ten dollars sound about right?”

He’d gotten into my bank account. I was sick inside, my skin clammy.

My God. He couldn’t have picked a worse time to toss me out on the street. With asshole Tommy out of my life, my options were limited, but I knew I could stay with Monica until I figured this out. She’d been a good friend over the years. I hadn’t realized I was pressing my fingers across the bulge in my jeans pocket where I’d placed my keys until he laughed.

“If you’d like to take a look out that window, you’ll see your car is being impounded.”

I flew toward the window, smashing my hand on the glass as I peered outside. Oh, my God. A moment of fear swept through me, becoming crippling within seconds.

Get your shit together. He can’t steal from you.

Knowing the great Carmine Rathbone, he could do anything he wanted. With a multibillion-dollar corporation under his control, and his cunning and power in controlling his influential friends, I had no doubt he had certain members of Chicago’s finest under his thumb. He’d positioned himself extremely well over the years, gathering a circle of friends who would do his bidding without question.

I folded my arms and walked closer to his desk. If he thought he could intimidate me, he was wrong. “What do you want, Carmine? That is the truth, isn’t it? You need something from me so you’re going to punish me in the only way you know will matter.” I had to find out every detail about what he was trying to do in order to nail his ass to the wall. I’d stop at nothing to do so.

“I’m still your father, Amelie. I deserve your respect if nothing else.”

“You haven’t been my father. You couldn’t care less about me. What. Do. You. Want? Depending on what it is, I’ll see if it’s acceptable or not. One way or the other, I will have my life back.”

The smug look on his face remained. Seeing the twinkle in his eyes created a level of rage that I hadn’t known existed.

“That won’t be up to me, Amelie.” As he pushed a file across his desk, I did what I could to keep from shivering visibly.

I glanced at the plain manila folder and a wash of anxiety settled into my system.

“Open it. Time is running short.”

My glare remained as I pulled it into my fingers. The moment I flipped it open, I sensed he was ready to laugh.

Then I realized why.

* * *

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