Page 96 of Snake

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“You don’t trust anyone, Maverick.”

He was right about that. I refused to trust the system or most humans. “What do you hope to get out of Mr. Taylor?”

“Confirmation he was coerced into sharing information about the Wells family or about Amelie’s mother. Let me do the talking.”

“You’re sure he’d going to talk?” I barked.

“You haven’t seen me interrogating a prisoner. He’ll talk.”

“He will if I’m given a few minutes with him. Let’s get this over with. I need to get back.”

He started to head for the three-story building, the man’s office on the third floor. An appointment hadn’t been made. “You can’t keep Amelie under lock and key.”

“I can do anything I want.”

“I have one of my best deputies on her because we’re buddies. Just relax. But I can’t afford to do that for long.”

As we headed into the building, my throat tightened. I’d almost called her several times. Maybe I was being overprotective, but she meant everything to me. I would not lose her. Not now.

We headed up the stairs, taking them two at a time. The man’s office was all the way down at the end of the hallway.

“He’s a one-man show. No assistant or paralegal. He has an excellent reputation, so I’m still thinking Butelli found out some other way.” Gage was telling me what I already knew.


“I haven’t worked that out yet,” he said, throwing me a look.

As we closed the distance, I noticed his office door was cracked. “What the fuck?”

Gage stopped short. “Stay right here.” He pulled out his weapon.

I did as well.

“Oh, for Christ’s sake.” At least he didn’t try to stop me as I advanced. As soon as he pushed open the door, I knew something was wrong.

I pushed past him into the second room. “Fuck.” The attorney was lying dead from a single bullet to the brain.

Assassination style.

Gage stormed closer, crouching down. There were bruises everywhere, the man’s face worked over prior to his death. “He’s been dead a couple hours. Obviously, he was tortured before he was killed.”

“That means he talked.”

“Not necessarily. But what good is it now?” Gage asked as he stood.

“Maybe he got a call when the box was accessed.”

He took a deep breath. “Then he knows she’s in town.”

“Fuck. This can’t be happening.” What had he told Giovanni? No. No. No. I yanked out my phone, realizing the reception was shit. “I need to get to her. She’s in danger. He’s going for her next.”

“I’m calling my deputy.” He immediately pulled his phone into his hand, but my gut told me it was already too late.

“Fuck that, Gage. He’s here. The fuckers lied.” I raced out the door and down the hallway, not wasting any time. As soon as I was outside, I yanked out my phone, dialing Amelie’s number.

It rang. And rang.

Then the call went to voicemail.

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