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“Oh, of course. Not this early, though. If you want, you can head there now, and I’ll meet you within the hour.”

He gives me a puzzled look. “I can wait here if you want or wait….” He nods at Sadie’s bra that sits on the desk’s chair.

A growing lump forms in my throat. I hope I don’t choke on it.

“Wow. Already? Angela, huh?”

Fuck, what am I supposed to say? A huge bashful smile forms on my face. Well, I hope he reads this smile as bashful.

“You don’t have to be so nervous about it?” Braxton teases.

“I’m not. I just need a moment.”

Braxton points to the closed bathroom door and covers his mouth. “She’s still here, huh?” He’s whispering now.

Oh, fuck. One of Sadie’s flat black work shoes is poking from under the bed. My head is about to spin. My jaw is tightening up, but I’ve got to say something before he sees his daughter’s shoe.

“How about I meet you at the gym?” I ask.

I need him out of here. I need to watch him walk to his car, start it up, and drive far away.

“You think you’ll be over in less than an hour?”

“Yeah. Maybe start with some cardio until I get there.”

Come on, Braxton. Take the fucking clue and scurry out of here before you turn me into a beaten pulp on the floor.

“Sure, sure,” he says.

He punches me in my chest as if to admire my decision to sleep with a woman last night. Little does he know that woman is his eldest daughter. I should be ashamed of myself, but I need him out right now.

“Well, maybe it is best to meet you at the gym, eh?” he adds.

I smile, trying to put myself in the shoes he wants me to wear. From my experience, the small-town man holds onto the idea of equating manhood to one-night stands more so than the average city guy. I can argue this with anyone. Every time I step back into Hillpike, I’m reminded of its expectations. Most times, it’s against my evolved beliefs.

“Yes, I’ll text you when I’m on my way. You should get started with a little cardio or something.”

“Yup, I’ll be on the track. Treadmills are for ladies.” He snickers as he proves what I was thinking.

I close the door and continue to watch Braxton head to his pickup truck through the peephole. Once he roars off, I swing open the bathroom door and peel back the shower curtain. Sadie is squatting amongst her things, wearing a face of distress.

I help her out of the shower, and we both release a sigh simultaneously.

“I had no idea. None of this was expected. Your dad did text me, but we were asleep.”

Stepping out of the bathroom, Sadie yanks her black bra from the desk chair. “I can’t believe this.”

“Sorry for the scare.”

All I really want to do is lay back in the bed with her and finish sliding in and out of her. But now I have an emergency gym date with Braxton. Life sucks at times.

“Did he see this?” She raises her bra. She seems to care less that I’ve made sudden plans.

“Yes. He assumed you were Angela.”

Sadie gives me a look of disgust before she slides her hand down her face with dread. “This is all a nightmare.”

She disrobes. I watch, wishing I could touch her.
