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“Here, go on. I can let the fire out.” I insist.

“Thanks, Freddy. This old man is tired. Close the door in tight when you’re ready to crash. No need to lock it. This ain’t Chicago.” Braxton teases as I wave good night.

Moments after, I hear the back garage door spring open.

And there she is. Sadie. She’s still wearing that flimsy shamrock-colored dress that makes her look like a sweet-and-sour piece of candy. Her auburn hair pops amid the smoky red haze of the flames. She stares intensely across at me before making her way to the chair Braxton is sitting in.

“I love the smell of bonfires.”

Why is her voice so seductive?

“Me too,” I agree. “Have a lot of crazy memories with bonfires.”

“Don’t we all? You know they sell candles that are supposed to smell like bonfires these days?” Sadie schools me.

I chuckle. “Sounds like a little much, but I can see why someone would get one.”

“Right? It’s a perfect autumn candle. I can picture myself buying one when I move to the city.” Sadie smiles before she continues. “It’ll remind me of home.”

It’s like she’s intuitively reading my mind.

“You used to visit here a lot when I was young? That’s what Dad says, but I don’t really remember you coming here often.”

“Well, a lot of those times were late at night. Your mom had already tucked you in bed, or maybe you were at your grandparents.”

I try reflecting, and that’s all I gather. My twenties were a bit ruthless before I met Courtney. It’s been a while since I’ve reflected on any of my obnoxious youthful stories. That’s why being in Hillpike is so essential. It helps me connect with my core.

“Oh, of course. But you seem so much younger than my dad.”

“Aren’t you a sweetie?”

Sadie pins her hair up playfully and sighs. Turning to me, she gives me a flirty wink and asks, “What does the perfect date night in Chicago look like?”

She turns her head from side to side, showing off her edible neck. I slide back in my chair as alcohol has a way of making me a little randy. I probably shouldn’t be feeling like this around Sadie, but she knows exactly what she’s doing.

“You have quite the eye for Chicago, huh?”

I ignore her “date” question because it borders danger. She’s being playful, and that’s fine, but it doesn’t mean I have to engage, especially in Braxton’s yard.

“Freddy, you have no idea.”

She teases, swinging one long leg over the other, leaning closer to me.

“You have to visit then,” I say.

“Will you take care of me if I do?”

Her question rests heavy in my body. This sweet redhead has no idea. I’m curious what she means. It would be a tad inappropriate to ask her to elaborate. I try to silence my desire, but hers’ booms so loud and carefree it almost feels sinful to not cave in a little…a pinch.

“I would take care of you so good you wouldn’t know what to do.”

Oops, maybe that was too much, but there’s no way to take it back now.

“Oooh. I think it’s best you slow down on your drinks. Don’t want my dad to overhear you.” The nerve of her as she bites her lower lip and clears her throat.

“Well, all that could mean is I’ll show you amazing sites. Chicago is one beauty and…Sadie, let’s not ignore who’s doing the real teasing.”

She giggles, swinging her hair side to side and burying her face in her hands playfully.
