Page 109 of Do-Over with my Ex

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“Yeah, and my mom is convinced that it’s a real relationship, so we’re going to have to just play this off as that. I had to ask off for Ally last minute, and I didn’t want to make her be the one who had to explain it. My mom had a thousand questions, and it was hard to bullshit my way through—even for me.”

“So then I guess the two of you justdon’twork out when you get back?”

“Yeah, and I think it might break my mother’s heart.” I rolled my eyes and plopped down on the bed. “Like, I seriously had no idea that she was pining after the two of us somehow ending up together.”

Josh’s eyes went wide. “No way? I knew Lisa loved Ally, but I thought it was just because she’s, well,Ally.Everyone loves Ally.”

“Which is why she’s perfect for my fake girlfriend. I know she’ll charm the shit out of Frank.”

Josh didn’t say anything, but his phone ringing interrupted the conversation. He pulled it out of his pocket and smiled at the screen. “Oh, this is perfect.”

My stomach knotted up as I saw Ally’s face on the phone.Great.

“Hey sis, what’s up?” He put her on speaker phone.

“Uh, well...” Her voice trailed off, and I already knew she was fishing to see what he knew. “I’m packing. What’re you up to?”

“Hanging out at home with Levi, helping him pack for the wedding. What’re you packing for?”


“So you caught the feelings for Levi?” The amusement in his tone made me smile, but not as much as Ally’s reaction.

“Absolutely not. You can’t seriously tell me that he thinks he’s going to get away with lying to you about the arrangement? I swear he’s such a—”

“I’m right here,” I cut her off, chuckling. “Careful what you say. I’d hate for you to lose that thirty percent of CyberSecure before we’re ever even wheels up.”

She groaned. “You’re insufferable.”

“We all know that, and if it wasn’t for the fact that you’re going to be a millionaire once the deal is sorted, there’s no way in hell I would be letting you do this. I hope you know that,” Josh said, running a hand through his hair.

“Well, first of all, I’m a grown-ass woman and I can do whatever I want. And secondly, there’s no way in hellIwould be doing this. But since Levi is right there, I have some questions for him.”

I cringed. “Yeah?”

“On a scale of one to black-tie affair, how formal is this wedding? It’s at the beach, right? I don’t know what I’m supposed to wear.”

“Uh, whatever women wear to a wedding—so anything but white should be fine. Just buy a nice designer dress of any color that’s a little beachy and you should be fine.”

“I hate to break it to you, Levi, but I can’t afford a dress like that—and I’m not spending thousands of dollars on a dress that I’ll only wear once.”

I shrugged. “No problem. I’ll buy you one then. Just text me your measurements.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone, and Josh and I exchanged a look.

“Ally?” Josh asked. “Are you still there?”

She let out a sigh. “Yeah. I just...yeah, I’ll send over my measurements, butnothingslutty, Levi—I mean it.”

I burst into laughter. “The less material, the better. I got it.”

“I’m serious,” she snapped.

“Don’t worry,” Josh spoke up, shooting me daggers. “I’ll make sure he picks something that you’d like.”

“I wish you were coming,” Ally said on the other end.

Josh smiled. “You’ll be good. If you have to take a cheap shot to keep him in line, I’ll back you up when you get back.”

“Hey!” I called out, instantly covering myself. “Not cool, man.”

Ally’s laughter echoed through the room. “Deal. This is gonna be fun.”

“So fun.” I feigned a smile, wondering what the fuck I had gotten myself into.
