Page 7 of Iron Heart Lost

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“I said that that horse isn’t ready. She needs some more time to get that edginess out of her.”

Her head cocks and she glares at me. “You know I’ve been around horses almost as much as you, Cody. I don’t know why you think you’re the boss of me.”

I stomp closer to her and watch her grey eyes widen. Her nostrils flare just like that damn grey filly when she gets her dander up. My hand tilts her head up and I groan when her soft skin slides under my fingers like pure silk.

“Promise me you won’t go near her until she’s been here longer. She’s still too jumpy. You know what her story is. She needs a little more time to get used to good people.”

The little filly was rescued from a traveling camp that had beaten her and starved her until she was skin and bones. The law picked them up and called me to come get her. Since the first time she saw her, Heather’s been smitten with the filly. I plan on surprising her with the horse when she’s ready. But she’s still too jumpy.

“Fine. But don’t try and boss me around, Cody. You’re not the boss of me.”

I back her into the railings of the fence and glare down at her. “I am the boss on this ranch and there’s a reason for what I’m asking. So don’t act like I’m acting like some kind of dictator here, Cricket. I expect you to follow the rules around here just like everybody else.” Her glare is harsh enough to peel paint and I almost want to laugh but it also turns me on so bad that my dick is just about tattooed with the zipper on my jeans.

I lean down and rest my hands on the fence she’s leaning into. She sucks in a surprised breath. “What are you doing, Cody?”

“Making sure you hear me, Cricket. If you got hurt because you didn’t listen I might have to spank your damn ass.” Her breath hisses out and her grey eyes widen. Goosebumps break out on her arms and I eye her closely. “You look like you might like that, Cricket. Hmmm. Wouldn’t have expected that.”

I lean down and my lips brush her ear. She shivers. “I think I like this side of you, Cricket. I hope you don’t put even a toe wrong or I might be tempted to test my theory.”

Then I back away, eyeing her rosy-red cheeks wryly. “I’ll see you in a little bit, Heather.”

“Wait!” She hollers, catching a hold of my sleeve. A slight breeze blows her soft hair across my cheek and I smell that sweet honeysuckle scent she wears that drives me crazy. “I wanted to let you know that that camera crew is going to be here tomorrow.”

I groan and she laughs. “Come on. It’s gonna be good publicity to get the auction launching right.”

“Yeah. I know. But television people.”

“Just news people. It will be quick. Don’t worry.”

I snort. “Yeah. I’m sure. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Then I stalk off, trying to discreetly shift my damn jeans around so that my cock isn’t stuck to my fly like it’s magnetized.

But looking around at my guys’ laughing faces I don’t think I’m fooling anybody. Except maybe myself and Heather.

* * *

The next morning I drag my sorry ass out of bed. I didn’t sleep a wink. I kept thinking about the way Heather looked last night. The heat and hunger shimmering in her eyes.

It’s turning into some kind of torture being near her. I see something new in her eyes. I feel something wild flaring up every time I’m around her and it’s almost ready to break free.

It scares the hell out of me. I can’t lose her. We’ve been friends too long. But the desire to bed her is driving me crazy.

I stand up and dress then head to the bathroom, finishing up and then heading downstairs, groaning when I see lights and activity right outside the door.

“Shit! They’re here already,” I mutter under my breath. I slam my hat on my head and step outside into complete bedlam. And standing in the middle of the disaster is my little hurricane, giving directions like she’s the commander of a ship. If it wasn’t so frightening I’d laugh my ass off at the look on the crews’ faces.

She turns to me and I jerk upright, whipping the grin off my face. She grabs my arm and drags me to the red-haired woman from the morning news. “Hey, Sheila. This is the owner, Cody Ironheart.”

She smiles seductively at me and I groan internally. Her hand lifts and runs along my arm and I see Heather’s eyes widen then narrow.

“Well, this assignment just got a lot more interesting.”

Heather huffs out a breath and then drops my arm, glaring at both of us. I don’t bother telling her that there’s nothing this woman has that I’m interested in. All I’m interested in is my best friend. Even though I shouldn’t be.

Heather looks like she’s sucking on lemons. And she turns to yell something at the crew. The redhead grabs my arm and tugs me over to where she was standing. “Let’s talk for a minute. Alone. I want to know all about this little business you’re running. Especially this auction thing.” Her eyes run up and down my body and she pats at my chest, surreptitiously running her hands along my pecs. I want to push her away but this interview is important to Heather and the ranch.

“What do you want to know?” I watch Heather growling and snapping out of the corner of my eye and barely pay attention to what I’m saying to this woman.
