Page 35 of Pivot Point

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Emi shot me a sideways glance and patted my shoulder. “Every time I’ve talked to Niko since he started training you, he’s been in a brighter mood. So it must be good for him too. I’m glad he has you, even if you’re—how would you put it?—keeping him on his toes.”

“Good,” I said, grappling with my awkwardness. “It’s important to me that he’s happy. That we’re all happy. I’ve tried to be upfront with all of them, because it has gotten kind of complicated. I just… like all of them too much to want to pick just one.”

“And why should you if they’re happy? I’m impressed.” She flashed me another grin and tucked her lipstick into her purse. “We haven’t known each other for very long, but from what my brother has told me and what I’ve seen, you’re a very interesting woman. It makes sense that they would all be interested. And I hope we can be friends.”

Friends.The word shouldn’t have made me balk like it did. But what the hell did I know about having a real friend, someone who wasn’t paid to look out for me? Another woman I could gossip about relationships and all that other stuff with?

On the other hand, if having a BFF was like this, chatting away with smiles and encouragement, why wouldn’t I wantthat?

“I hope so too,” I said honestly. It might take me a while to get used to the idea, but Emi seemed like she’d make a pretty awesome friend if I was going to have one.

I hesitated and added, “I’m really glad you decided to drop in and surprise us with this visit. It’s been great to meet you.”

Emi’s eyes sparkled. “I’m glad too. I needed a break anyway, but always better to spend it with good company. Now let’s go see about that dessert!”

She tugged my sleeve, and we ambled together back to the table, Emi exclaiming over the posh hotel décor the whole way. When we dropped into our seats, Niko raised an eyebrow at her.

“Don’t worry,” she told him cheekily. “I didn’t tell hertoomany of your embarrassing secrets.”

Niko snorted, and Jasper cocked his head. “When do I get to hear these secrets?”

Emi set her chin on her folded hands. “Maybe if you let me have a peek at those costumes…”

As we drifted back into light-hearted banter, a weight settled in my chest, dampening my temporary high spirits.

My new friend had no idea what she’d arrived in the middle of—and how could I explain the whole story to her?

I’d just have to make sure she never ended up in a dangerous position. Keep myself between her and any potential threat.

We shouldn’t have her over at the apartment again. Stick to meeting out on the town and at the arena.

Unless my stalker had already found out about her and worked her into his plans.

My teeth gritted, and my fingers tightened around my fork.

Haggard had better not touch one hair on her head, or I’d lose any qualms I had about dealing out a brand of justice even my mother would be proud of.



I glidedover to the boards with a relieved exhalation, reveling in the burn of well-worked muscles that was spreading through my body. My hands moved to smooth the ruffles of my training skirt automatically.

We weren’t going to wear the gorgeous costumes Jasper had finally revealed to me until the actual competition, but we’d stuck to similar if much simpler outfits for our last few practices so we were used to the overall feel. The skating dress wasn’t quite as comfortable as my usual leggings and thermal tees, but I was too excited about tomorrow’s competition to care.

Especially when we’d whipped through our routine today several times without any slips.

I shot a grin at Jasper, who’d skated over to join me. “That was a perfect way to end the last practice before the official competition.”

He beamed back at me. “I don’t think it could have gone better.”

“You’re going to knock it out of the park over the next couple of days,” Niko informed us, his eyes sparkling, and checked his watch. “You don’t need me for the packing up part. I’ve got to go meet that representative from the winter clothing chain that’s thinking of coming on as an additional sponsor.”

“Give them a good pitch!” I said with an encouraging wave.

As we sat down on the benches to chuck off and wipe down our skates, a trickle of figures passed through the doors, ready for the next time slot, which appeared to be a larger group one. I tensed briefly in anticipation of Quentin’s snark, but it appeared he hadn’t managed to bookend our practice time today.

Instead, all of the kids hustling ahead of their two coaches were junior competitors in their early to mid-teens. A few of them shot us glances as they sat on other benches to lace up, but one kid who looked to be about thirteen paused and stared at Jasper, his eyes wide in his dark face.
