Page 42 of Pivot Point

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From Rafael’s knowing gaze as he watched the rest of us in his typical solemnly quiet state, he suspected the truth.

“I sure hope so,” I said to Niko, and gulped down another bite of my sub.

He tapped his pocket. “I’ve already gotten requests for a couple of interviews, reporters wanting to cover Jasper’s comeback. They’d love to talk to you too, of course, Angel.”

My heart gave a little lurch, both excitement that we’d gotten that kind of attention and panic at the idea of having more of a spotlight on me. I was supposed to be laying as low as I could for as long as possible.

I couldn’t comment on that in front of Emi, but the carefulness of Niko’s tone told me that he’d already guessed I’d want to decline.

I shot him a thankful smile. “I think I’ll let Jasper handle the reporters for now.”

Jasper shook his head in mock consternation. “Abandoning me now?” he teased.

I wrinkled my nose at him. “Not on the ice.”

Emi bounced in her seat with her irrepressible energy. “Oh, I wish I could stay to watch your skills grow. But I can only take off so much time from work before they get upset. Maybe I’ll be able to fly back in November to see you at Finals, though.”

My spirits lifted in a way I hadn’t expected. “Really? It’s a long way to home.”

She waved off my comment. “If I can make it work with my boss, I’ll be here. I haven’t had an excuse to travel in a long time. And it’d be amazing to see you skate in person again.”

I offered her a smile that was totally genuine. I could definitely get used to this whole friend thing. “I’d really like that.”

“Good.” She clapped her hands together and then yanked out her phone. “We need to exchange numbers. You can let me know everything that’s happening for when my brother gets too busy to update me.”

“I always reply to your texts,” Niko said in mock-offense, and Emi’s laugh pealed through the room.

I was sorry to see her go, but when she glanced at the time after polishing off her sub, her eyebrows shot up. “Oh, kuso. I’d better get a ride. I need to be at the airport fast or I’ll miss my flight.”

Jasper stirred, a look of concern coming over his face. “Do you need a ride? We’ve got a car.”

Emi had already been tapping on her phone again. “No, no. I’ve got a taxi coming now. You should stay and keep celebrating—you deserve it!”

She grabbed me in a quick hug and did the same with her brother. Niko picked up one of her suitcases to help her bring her luggage down to meet the cab. I found myself going to the window to give one last wave before she hopped into the car.

Rafael ambled up beside me. “You liked having her around.”

My smile turned crooked. “There’s something to be said for having a warm female presence in the room. Not something I have much experience with.”

Jasper’s brow furrowed as he joined us. “You didn’t have many friends in Austin?”

I shook my head. “I didn’t really haveany. My mom didn’t like me associating with people outside her circle, and most of the people working under her were men. And it’s not like they were interested in making friends anyway, unless they were going to get something out of it.” I rolled my eyes. “The few women who did work for Mom were always pretty standoffish, probably saw me as a risk. If they pissed me off, they’d have to deal with her.”

Niko strode into the apartment a moment later, flicking back his smooth hair with its pink streak. “It is nice to have family around after so long. I’m glad you all got along with Emi.”

“She’s easy to get along with,” I said, my full smile coming back. Then my stomach twisted. “But we need to do more than celebrate tonight. I’ve got to explain what happened that threw me off on the ice.”

Jasper frowned and tucked his hand around my arm. “You don’t owe us a justification. Nerves can get the better of anyone. We all get it.”

“But it wasn’t just nerves.” I bit my lip and moved to the sofa to sit down, to help steady me for the conversation. “You know Rafael and I told you that some men working for one of my mother’s colleagues, part of that Devil’s Dozen group, threatened me?”

The guys joined me in the living room, Niko’s cheerful expression darkening. “Did they bother you again?”

“No. It might have all been in my head. But it’s because of them.” I sighed. “I thought I saw one of the guys who attacked me in the stands. Afterward, I wasn’t so sure anymore. It doesn’t really make sense that Sheeran would have looked for me there when he didn’t even believe I was interested in figure skating. But in the moment, without being able to really think it through, I freaked out a little. I was worried he’d try to hurt one of you… or Emi.”

Jasper’s frown deepened. He twined his fingers with mine where he’d sat next to me on the sofa. “Do you think they’ll really try something like that because you haven’t left town like they asked?”

“I don’t know. They might stick to only harassing me. But with this on top of Haggard’s tricks…” I rubbed my forehead. “We need to deal with Sheeran too, get him off my back before I have to find out what he’d do next. And before he says anything to my mom about the war I’m supposedly starting.”
