Page 51 of Pivot Point

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Thankfully there was one armchair that held nothing except for an empty chip bag and a few crumbs. I swept them off and planted my butt there, poised in wait.

Every few minutes, I checked my phone. We had no idea when Robert would return, other than our past observations suggested he rarely stayed away all night.

I hoped he’d get his ass over here soon, because the smell was starting to make me queasy.

I distracted myself with a puzzle game until the rumble of a car engine sounded outside. I shoved my phone in my pocket and sat up straighter.

Cullen whistled a jaunty tune as he climbed the steps to the front door. He shoved it open, swaggered inside—and jerked to a halt when I switched on the lamp next to me.

I aimed a sharp little smile at him without getting up. “Welcome home, Robert. Nothing all that sweet about it, though.” I kicked at the trash. “I’m thinking your three girlfriends wouldn’t keep screwing you if they got a look at this place.”

Cullen gaped at me for a few seconds before he snapped into overconfident prick mode.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” he demanded, barging forward into the middle of the living room, ignoring the boxes crunching under his feet.

He didn’t ask who I was, and the glimmer of apprehension mixed with the anger in his eyes suggested he already knew. He might have been present for Sheeran’s attempted beatdown, or he’d heard about me from other discussions within the crew.

If he knew I was the Deadly Rose’s daughter, then he should be well aware how deadlyIcould be… if I chose to live up to that name.

I folded my hands in my lap. “Relax, Robert. I’m only here to talk. I take it I don’t have to introduce myself?”

More fury flashed across his face. “If you think you’re going to weasel your way into our territory by—”

I held up my hand to stop him. “As I tried to tell Sheeran, I don’t have any interest in your territory. I’m here on my own business that has nothing to do with your crew or claiming ground for my mother.”

He scoffed. “Like we’re stupid enough to fall for that.”

I decided against telling him exactly how stupid I figured he was. “There’s nothing to fall for. It’s true. And you’re going to go back to your boss and speak up in favor of stayingoutof my business.”

“Why the fuck would I do that?” Cullen snarled.

I counted off the reasons on my fingers. “One, because it’s true, and my mother isn’t currently involved. But if you keep pushing, she will be, and I promise you that’ll be awfully painful for everyone involved. Two, because I’m sure you have more important things to do with your time than spy on and harass me. And three, because if youdon’t, I know three lovely ladies I’ll be having a chat with.”

Cullen’s eyes narrowed. “You can’t even know—”

“What, about Bridget, Theresa, and Alison? I’ve got their numbers right here. I’m sure they’d beveryinterested in hearing about each other, don’t you think so?”

For the first time since his initial shock, Cullen hesitated. A ruddy flush came over his face. “You wouldn’tdare.”

I shrugged. “I don’t think I’m daring anything, Robbie. You’re the one with something to lose. I know about Adam too. I wonder exactly how often Theresa would let you spend time with him if she knew you’ve been two—no,three—timing her since before he was even born.”

Rafael had observed Cullen with his son, and so had one of his contacts. By all accounts, the jerk in front of me cared about the boy a hell of a lot more than he did any of his romantic conquests. He never missed a Sunday meet-up, went to the kid’s school events and sports practices… The very picture of a devoted dad, if a fucked-up boyfriend.

We’d obviously planned our threat well. What I hadn’t anticipated was just how upset Cullen would get about it.

“You fucking cunt!” He lunged forward, his face turning to purple, ready to snatch my wrists. Looking like he figured he’d snap my arms right out of their sockets.

I sprang to my feet, but I didn’t even need to dodge. He hadn’t made it past two steps before a deadlyclicksounded behind him.

Rafael stepped out of the shadows, his pistol aimed right at Cullen’s head.

“I wouldn’t,” he snarled. “You listen to her, and your life goes on like it always has. You take one more step forward and I’ll make sure the last thing you see is your brains all over the wall.”

Cullen froze, but a lingering tremor of rage ran through his body. “Fuck. Who the hell are you?”

“You don’t need to know that. You only need to know that you’re going to regret it if you lay one finger on this woman.”

Cullen wasn’t stupid enough to imagine Rafael’s warning was a bluff. He held in place, practically vibrating with frustration.
