Page 58 of Pivot Point

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Quentin had taunted us about our passion. Let him be shocked by just how much we could bring to each other. It wasn’t as if we were doing anything wrong.

Let’s see how much cocky arrogance he could produce the next time he saw us. I’d laugh in his face if he tried to convince us he and Jess were so in sync by letting her paw him.

I lowered my head and sucked Niko’s cock right into my mouth. As I bobbed up and down over him, increasing the suction of my lips, Jasper eased in and out of me, matching my rhythm.

Niko’s hips swayed to meet my mouth, his breath breaking into panting. When I swirled my tongue around his shaft, another groan thrummed out of him.

Jasper swore and thrust faster, deeper. I whimpered over Niko, letting the sound quiver through the movements of my lips and tongue.

“Keep going, Jasper,” he whispered. “Fuck her just like that. Harder—she wants it.”

He was right—I did want it. I rocked back and forth enthusiastically, willing Jasper to comply.

He didn’t need more encouragement than that. To my delight, he pounded into me so forcefully stars started to sparkle behind my eyes.

My orgasm swelled inside me, overtaking me in a tsunami. I clamped my lips hard around Niko’s cock, determined to take him with me. His tug on my hair sent me spiraling right over the edge.

My vision whited out with the final surge of ecstasy, the spurt of Niko’s release in my mouth made it all the more satisfying. Jasper’s thrusts turned almost frantic, chasing us to the tipping point, until he dug his fingers into my hips with the pulsing of his cock.

He bowed over me as he rasped for breath, his arm looping around my waist. As my own chest heaved, I spared a quick glance toward the door, but it had eased shut again. Our audience of one had vanished.

Let him stew on the spectacle we’d just given him. Ha.

Jasper eased me around so I was sitting between him and Niko. Niko scooted closer, encompassing us both in a joint embrace and gifting us both with playful kisses.

“Well,” Jasper said with a chuckle. “That was definitely something.”

Niko nuzzled my cheek. “Our angel is awfully special.” He leaned over to nip Jasper’s earlobe. “Not to mention our grouch.”

“Hey!” Jasper grumbled, but a hint of a blush touched his cheeks as if pleased by the teasing affection.

I grinned at both of them, full of happiness. We still had a whole lot of problems waiting for us beyond this room, but for a moment they felt awfully distant in comparison to the passion and tenderness we’d just shared.



Even after several days,the memory of the locker room interlude still gave me a tingle, both of remembered pleasure and triumph.

Shockingly, Quentin Wolfe hadn’t intruded on any of our practices since getting a look at just how much passion me and my partner—and our coach—shared. Maybe because he’d realized how pathetic any of his snarky comments about our connection actually sounded.

Rafael glanced over at me where we were waiting by the corner of the Chinese restaurant for our takeout to arrive. “What do you have that little grin on your face for?” His flat monotone didn’t quite hide his amusement.

I drummed my fingers against my thigh. “I was just thinking about Quentin. And how good it’s going to feel to absolutely destroy him in two weeks. I don’t know if I can wait that long.”

Rafael snorted. “Well, you’re going to have to. And don’t get too cocky. You should focus on your own routines, and then you’ll be fine.”

I knew he was right, but still, it felt good to know we’d thrown our rival for a loop. I allowed myself one more smirk of satisfaction and then put Quentin out of my mind.

The heavy scent of garlic, soy sauce, and five spice powder filled the room, making my mouth water. I did enjoy it when Rafael insisted on cooking dinner, but there was something to be said for variety. And not having to do dishes.

My stomach grumbled. Rafael met my eyes, the mirth clear in his expression now. “A little hungry, are you?”

“You know it. I’m starving after the workout we had today.”

Rafael opened his mouth to speak, a half-smile lighting up his face. Before he could get a word out though, he froze, his gaze jerking to the restaurant’s front window. His brows slanted down in a mask of fury, his burgundy gaze suddenly burning.

My pulse stuttered. “What?”
