Page 68 of Skid Spiral

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Jasper made a face at me before continuing. “I wasn’t sure what to make of you. But you’re obviously… a lot of things that I really respect. And admire. Along with being one of the hottest women I’ve ever seen.” His smile turned a bit sly despite his awkwardness.

My throat constricted for a moment before I managed to speak. “Oh. I didn’t—I guess I’ve been around too many guys who only think with their dicks. I wasn’t going to push for anything like a commitment, especially when I’ve been seeing Niko too. But that doesn’t mean— It’d be more than just screwing around to me too. Even when you’re being a jerk, you’re really something, you know.”

“Something?” he repeated, definitely teasing now.

I mock-glared at him. “Incredibly frustrating. But also passionate and determined and with that artistic mind I wish I could even halfway match.”

Jasper raised his hand to trail his fingers down my arm, sparking giddy quivers even through the layer of thin cotton. “So what areyousaying?”

I leaned forward until my face was just a few inches from his. “I’m saying somehow I’ve ended up caring quite a bit about both Niko and you, Mr. Not-the-Friendliest. And who knows? Maybe we’ll be better partners on the ice if we embrace all the other ways we’d like to, ah, ‘work together’ instead of fighting our feelings.”

“Well, when you put it like that…” Jasper pushed himself up those last few inches to press his mouth against mine.

Oh, he tasted delicious too—like the sweet maple and tart peaches from his dessert. I kissed him back hard, running my hands down his chest to the hem of his shirt and reveling in the groan that reverberated over his lips.

I didn’t have any patience left in me after going unsatisfied the other night at my house, and the same sense of urgency seemed to have gripped Jasper. He claimed my mouth again and again with a swipe of his tongue between my lips. We devoured each other as if we’d been starving for this.

He sat all the way up, sliding his arms around me to pull me even closer, and I gasped when my pussy collided with the bulge behind his track pants. Jasper groaned at the contact. He ran his fingers up and down my thighs before massaging my ass in a way that just begged for me to grind against him.

As I whimpered with need, I edged my hands up under his shirt over the jackpot that was all his heated, muscled torso. I felt like I’d won another reward with his eager hitch of breath when I gently raked my nails over his washboard abs.

Jasper tangled his fingers in my hair, heedless of my loosening ponytail, and kissed me so deeply stars spun behind my eyes. Then he pulled back just enough to chart a scorching trail along my jaw to nip my earlobe.

“Fuck, I want you so bad,” he growled. “I’ve wanted this since the first moment I saw you on the ice.”

My own longing flared hotter at his declaration. Who would have thought—behind all the grumbling and glowering, Jasper St. Pierre had been hungry for me all along.

I rewarded him for the confession by swiveling my hips against his even more enthusiastically. The press of his groin had us both gasping in unison, pleasure flooding my core.

Jasper yanked my tee right off me, and I reached for the waistband of his pants. When my fingers grazed the bulge of his erection, he arched toward me with a hiss.

“God, Lou.”

Our mouths collided again. I stroked his rigid cock through the fabric of his pants until he let out a desperate sound and practically tore them off with my help.

As he yanked off my bra, I tucked my hand right into his boxers. He groaned at the squeeze of my fingers and then bowed his head to suck the peak of my breast into his mouth.

Bliss raced through my chest. I groped at the waves of his auburn hair and rocked against him with my own growing desperation.

“Fuck, that’s good.”

Jasper hummed against my nipple, drawing it to an even sharper peak. One of his hands slipped between us.

When his thumb flicked across my clit, I bucked into his touch, seeking more.Needingmore.

At my encouraging moan, Jasper stroked my entire pussy through my pants. Then he shoved his hand under to finger me skin to skin.

His breath came out shaky. “You’re so fucking wet, Lou.”

“Your fucking fault,” I replied with a stuttered laugh, and tipped my head back with another moan.

Intent on paying him back in kind, I gripped his cock and ran my thumb over the head already slick with pre-cum. Jasper only allowed me a few pumps before he captured my attention by slipping one finger inside me.

My grasp wavered as my concentration did too. His movements were slow and deliberate, and he watched every reaction with growing satisfaction.

His cock twitched in my hand as I breathed out his name. With a ferocity that would have soaked my panties if I’d still had them on, he dragged the rest of my clothes off me and threw them aside.

“Condom,” I mumbled, snatching at my purse. I dug out one of the few I kept in there for just in case—thank you, Past Lou!
