Page 25 of My Hot Boss

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She agreed, making me feel immediately better. There was just this damn tension between us, and I was hoping that tonight when we got back home, we could figure it out. The time before was a fluke, I wasn’t going to let it happen again. I had my mind on her and I planned on us getting to know each other quite a bit better. Augustine had made herself clear, so there was nothing to hold us back.

All I had to do was get through this dinner. It seemed so easy at first, but now that we were here and the waitress had already been gone over ten minutes without bringing our drinks back, I wondered how long I could wait. Again, I was losing control, something so foreign to me. Half of my success was measured by my control.

After another minute or two, I flagged down the waitress, which got me a look from Augustine. When the server walked up, Augustine had a question in her eyes, but she never asked, so I didn’t know for sure. She didn’t need to know that I was still rock hard from her trying on all those clothes and now I didn’t want to wait anymore. I had made her wait, made a big deal about it, and now I was the one that wished it was time. How the tables had turned so quickly.

Dinner dragged on instead, and I really didn't think Augustine knew better one way or another, but I swear she was taking her sweet ass time. When I got the check, she still had not finished, but I just wanted everything ready for when we left. If we ever left.

Relief washed over me when the waitress came back with my card and the piece of paper I needed to sign.

“I get the impression that you are trying to rush me.” I smiled back and told her that I just thought she was about ready to go home.

“I didn't even want to leave. What has changed?”

I wanted her, that's what had changed. I couldn't very well say that though, could I?

“Let's just say that I am now finally seeing the error of my ways, and I would like to make it up to you. You are right, we are married, and we should make sure that we are properly married before we go any further. I don't know what I was thinking honestly, but I'm definitely not thinking it now.”

That made Augustine have the sweetest grin I'd ever seen go over her face and though my words were not the most eloquent that I have ever said, they seemed to do the trick and really, what mattered after that?

She put down her fork and said that she was ready to go. There was nothing that made me happier than to hear that, and we both got up, leaving without saying another word.

I was still worried about what was going to happen and if I would be able to control myself as I wanted. It was hard to have control when I wanted something so badly. That's what I worried about, losing myself, losing control and messing things up. It couldn't be put off any longer. Something was going to happen, and I had no idea how it was all going to turn out, but I was looking forward to finding out how.



The way home was very quiet. We were getting really good at this, too much between us so that neither one of us could say a word. All I knew was this marriage was not at all what I had expected. I didn't know what I had expected, not really, but it wasn't this.

When we stopped in front of his place, he turned to me, and he asked me if I was ready. I told him that I was, even though I didn't really know if that was the truth or not. I wanted to be ready, I'd been waiting for this forever, but who's to say if I really was?

I was ready to find out one way or another, I knew that much. There was nothing I wanted more than Derrick and it was finally going to happen, but I wouldn't lie and say that I wasn't nervous. I was very nervous. Derrick had this hunger in his eyes that made me very nervous. I didn’t know what to do with that.

When we got in, I looked around, still confused that this was where I lived now. It was still just as opulent and amazing as I thought it was before. How strange was it that this was supposed to be my home? It didn't feel like my home, even though I knew that's what it was supposed to be. I was still trying to come to grips with my life. It was rather hard to, considering how different it was than anything I had ever conceived before. That wasn't what I had to worry about right now though. I had to worry about the man who I now called my husband. He was anxious to get started and while I couldn't blame him, I didn't know how to really start.

Thankfully, Derrick did not leave it up to me. He was on me as soon as the front door was closed. He didn't even lock it before moving toward me quickly, backing me up toward the bedroom and kissing me all along the way.

I was going with him, unable to stop him for a moment, even if I tried. He was so different than last time. Last time he had turned me away, but he had done it in such a cool, calm manner, that I had questioned if he even wanted me. He had assured me that he did, I had felt the hard length that he had to offer, but I didn't have to worry about any of that this time around. Every touch was passionate, every kiss was overwhelming. All I could worry about was slowing him down, so that we could actually enjoy the moment. I think very quickly I gave up on that though and just started to feel. Feeling was far better.

His hands and mouth worked over my body again and again. There was some kind of power in his hands, something magical that I felt almost unworthy of. It felt like his touch was everywhere, every inch of my body was feeling it simultaneously. The sounds that came out of me really made it feel like it was true.

I couldn’t help myself. Did he know how much he was, how he was too much? One minute I was doing my best to hold on while he kissed me and touched me, and the next minute we were falling into bed together. Then, I was underneath him the next moment.

I worried about what was going to happen next. My brain played it out until he got my clothes off and went right back to my body. My body was trembling, and I tried to hide it, but from the look on Derrick’s face, there was no going back. His eyes were dark, needy, and they followed every move that I made. Derrick wasn’t going to be able to walk away again, there was no calmness on his face this time around. Instead, he was hanging on by a thread and when he leaned down for a kiss, we both whined from the touch.

“How has no one touched you?” Derrick asked me. Did he really want an answer?

“I never got married before,” I answered simply. I thought that it was a given. I knew that it was an option for others, but it had never been an option for me.

“You never wanted a man to make you feel good before?” Derrick asked me, his hand in between my legs, rubbing on me and making it impossible to hold his gaze. My body jerked from his ministrations and there was nothing that I could do about it. I bit my lip to stop the moaning sounds, but it wasn’t long before I couldn’t hold it back.

As my body exploded, I tried to tell him that I didn’t know that it could be this way. I’d suspected, but never truly knew. Nothing came out when I’d tried to speak. Derrick seemed to know that I wanted to say something, and he even seemed to know what I was saying, but he didn’t stop. His fingers played me, his mouth made short work of all the sounds that were coming out of me. Derrick had all of my body humming and singing.

“So why now? Did you figure you couldn’t wait any longer?”

“Huh?” I knew that he was talking to me, but I had no idea what he was actually saying. My body was tensing up and before too long, I was no longer able to think. Derrick was not as bothered. It seemed like once he got me off real good, all he was focused on was doing it again.

“Why wait so long to get married? I would imagine many men have wanted to take away your innocence.”
