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“You said some things never change last night,” I tell her with a wink. “Well, there are some things that never should, if you ask me.”

She licks her lips in the most sensual way, then she wipes her mouth with a smile, looking up at me with her big, bright gaze. It’s the most innocent look, and it’s hard for me to accept that she’s the same girl who just had my cock all the way into her mouth and halfway down her throat. Those two things don’t seem to go together.

But that was one of many things I loved about her when we were younger, and I can see myself falling in love with that aspect of her all over again. She just has this way of seeming so innocent, so naïve, but she really knows how to please me in bed and it drives me insane. I can’t get enough of her, and I wish we had the time for me to return the favor.

Instead, she grabs the plate of food and the cup of coffee, taking a sip of the hot beverage and smiling.

“You remember just how I like it,” she says with a warm smile.

“I could say the same right now,” I tell her. “I need to go pull my sandwich out of the microwave before the other guys wake up.”

“Okay,” she says. “Thank you for the amazing wake-up call.”

“No, thankyou,” I tell her with a knowing smirk.

I turn and walk toward the front of the bus, realizing now that both my brothers are awake.

“What happened to waiting for her to get used to being a nanny?” Caleb asks.

“She’s a fast learner,” I tell him. “You should see for yourself.”

“Don’t think I won’t,” he says. “Fucker.”

I laugh softly to myself, grabbing my sandwich out of the microwave as I do. I already knew both of my brothers would be on board with fucking her again, and I truly feel it was just a matter of one of us having the guts to do it first. Leave it to me to be the one who does.

And I’m so glad I did.



“Damn, you were a hungry little guy tonight,” I say as I hold the bottle for Hendrix.

He’s drinking his formula as he stares up at me, his eyes big and blue.

“I’m saying you got my eyes. Look at you, those aren’t going to be changing on us, are they?” I ask him.

He gurgles and kicks his feet while he pumps his hands around. I can’t believe this small creature is our son. It just doesn’t seem real.

I’d heard it said that having a baby changes everything, and you never know what it is to love someone with all that you are until you have your own child. I wasn’t sure I believed those sentiments until the day came when I found out I have a child of my own.

Over the past few days, I’ve fallen in love with Hendrix more than I ever could have imagined, and I know my brothers feel the same.

“Oh, are you done with that?” I ask as he turns his head and refuses any more of his meal.

I hold him up on my lap, playing with him for a few minutes. I’m the only one in the bus with him right now. My brothers and Jeanette went inside the gas station while the driver fuels up the bus, and I took the chance to be alone with Hendrix for a short while.

As we set out on the road, I’m a little worried about how well Jeanette will take care of Hendrix. I’m not convinced she’s come on this trip to take care of the baby so much as she’s swept up with the idea of being around the three of us again and was sold on that idea first.

It’s making me keep an eye on her as we get started. And while she did do a good job as we started out last night, her starting off today with Julian’s cock down her throat only reinforced what she’s doing here in my mind.

Though, I do admit that I want her again myself, and now that it’s clear she’s open to it, I’m just biding my time until it’s my turn to have her.

By the end of the third day, I’m hoping we’ll get our dynamic worked out on the bus, but there are still some surprises. We’re going to all have to get used to the fact that Jeanette isn’t as passive as she once was, and she doesn’t hold back with her comments these days.

No matter how much I get smart right back at her.

“Let’s check your diaper, shall we, pal?” I ask. I make sure he’s still dry, though I’m not very surprised to find out he is. I changed his diaper before feeding him, and he was wet then.
