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“I guess,” I say. “I don’t want to get dressed though.”

“So go naked,” Caleb says with a smirk. “I don’t think anyone minds.”

“You guys might not, but I’m pretty sure Mags and the rest of the crew would,” I laugh at him.

“Maybe. But they can deal,” Terry says.

“I wish,” I reply.

I pull my clothes back on, and we gather the few things that are ours. Then, we head out to the buses. It’s going to be a long night on the road, so the driver is already waiting to go by the time we get out there. But there’ve been plenty of times we’ve slept while we’re on the road, so that doesn’t bother me.

I’m actually getting used to the life, and I appreciate it more now than I thought I would.

And with Hendrix spending the night in the other bus with Mags, I don’t have to worry that he’s going to need me during the night, either.

I’m free to sleep and have sex with the guys as much as I want until tomorrow morning. And I’m thrilled with that.

And from the way they’re smiling at each other, I would say they are too.



Caleb and Julian follow me out of the gas station and to the bus.

We’ve got our arms loaded down with snacks, and we stop at the second bus to check on how Mags is doing with Hendrix.

“You know, I’m starting to think we might as well just let you take over as his nanny too,” I tease. “We thought that would be weird in the beginning, but seeing how well you get along together, I’m not sure it’s that crazy of an idea after all.”

“Oh, no,” Mags said. “I’m already babysitting the three of you, the last thing I want to deal with is babysitting another Simmons. You’re doing just fine with him, and Jeanette is doing great as his nanny. Though I feel bad for her having to sit up with you guys when I’m the one with the baby.”

“Why?” Caleb asks. “I would love it if I got paid just to hang out like that.”

“Because she strikes me as the kind of girl who wants to work and earn what she makes, and I’m not sure she’s getting enough to do with her day to make her feel like she’s working. I don’t know. I don’t know her very well, so I haven’t said anything to her about it, but still,” Mags says. “If she wants to take Hendrix more, she should just say so. It’s not going to bother or offend me.”

“I think she’s happy with the break,” Julian says. “I know she loves having him, but you know how much work he is. When she has him, he’s all hers, and I think she likes having a few hours to herself every so often.”

“Same here,” I agree. “And we don’t have her just sitting up there. She was our friend before, so she knows some of the things we do with the band. She gets to help out more than we let on.”

“Oh good,” Mags says.

I have to stifle a wink to my brothers. We’re not going to tell our manager that we’re all having sex with Jeanette. I’m not so sure she’d be happy to take Hendrix for us, knowing that’s what we’re doing up in our bus. She’s never been thrilled with us bringing the groupies from the concerts into the buses, and the fact that we aren’t keeping our dicks in our pants with the woman we hired to be a nanny would be something she would be sure to raise her eyebrows over.

But, what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her. That’s one of my rules in life, so I’m not going to worry about it too much. I have other things to handle.

After ensuring she wants to hang on to Hendrix until the next stop, the three of us head over to our bus. It’s not going to be long before we start on the road again, so it would be nice to get a few things situated in the bus before we head off.

“Who’s she talking to?” Caleb asks as we get closer.

“She must be on the phone,” Julian muses.

Sure enough, we can hear Jeanette talking to someone in the bus, but she’s alone inside. She sounds tense in a way, but not angry, as though she isn’t happy about the conversation she’s having, but it’s not necessarily bad, either.

“Oh, my bosses just got back, I have to go,” Jeanette says as she quickly ends the conversation. She hangs up the phone and gives us a smile.

“Your bosses?” I ask.

“I don’t know what else to call you to my dad,” she says with a shrug.
