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We all have stories, and there’s no reason to make him think he is anything less because he’s adopted.

All he needs to know is that he’s loved, and he’s got the best family in the world.

Because we might be unique, but that doesn’t change the fact that we are the best.

And I’m proud of us.




“Idon’t care what we do, I’m just glad to have you all home! This last tour felt like a million years, and I thought when I went with you guys it felt long,” I say with a shake of my head.

“Just think about when we get really famous,” Caleb says. “We’ll go on tours that last a full year!”

“Fuck that,” Julian says. “I don’t want to be on the road that long. There has to be a way for us to be able to spend some time at home even while we promote some albums.”

“I’m sure with the digital world, they’re going to figure something out,” Terry says. “At least, they better, or we’re not going to get that famous. I’m not going to spend that long on the road. These past two months were longer than I thought possible, and every single day I wanted to come back and be with you.”

He wraps his arms around me, kissing my neck as he does.

The triplets just got back from being on tour, and I’m thrilled to have them home for the next few months. We have a few things we have to tend to that are going to make big changes in our family, and with that being the case, I know they want to be home. That’s something they’ve done to show me that they want to be with me—they take the time to be present in our lives together.

I might have to share them with the rest of the world, but I’m okay with that when I get to have them to myself for weeks at a time between the tours. It might not be the life I envisioned, but there are so many ways that it’s better than what I thought I wanted.

“I have a surprise for you,” I say. “Come with me.”

I lead them into the living room of our large house, and that’s where Hendrix is playing in his bouncy chair. He wiggles and laughs when he sees his dads, and Caleb walks over to him and scoops him up out of the chair. He tosses him into the air and catches him again, then kisses him on the cheek.

“What’s the surprise?” Julian asks.

“This came in the mail yesterday,” I tell them as I pull the envelope out of the file cabinet in the corner of the room. “I wanted to call and tell you when it came, but since you were on your way home I figured I would wait and show it to you when you got here. I didn’t want to make the trip home longer than you already felt it was.”

“What is it?” Julian asks.

Caleb and Terry come over. Caleb is still holding on to Hendrix, and I grin as I pull it out of the envelope.

“Gentlemen, this tells the entire world that I am legally the mother of this little guy here. It no longer matters what anyone else says or does, I am and always will be his mother!” I proudly announce.

I hand the paper to Julian who looks at it for a second before handing it over to Terry. Caleb then takes it and looks over the inscription, then they all start cheering.

“Nothing is going to tear us apart again!” Caleb says. He hands Hendrix over to Terry, then he rushes and takes me into his arms. He kisses me deeply, but I barely have the time to register what he’s doing before I’m being torn away by Julian.

I kiss him too, then I pull away so I have the chance to kiss Terry too.

I haven’t been this happy in as long as I can remember, and I’m proud to be able to be the one to tell them that I’m now officially Hendrix’s mother. It’s been a long journey, and I can’t believe we’ve finally gotten to this place in our lives.

“And how have you been feeling?” Julian asks me when our kiss finally breaks apart.

“I’m okay,” I tell him. “I feel a little sick off and on, but I’m getting better. The doctor says that it can go both ways at this point, so I’m glad that I’m on the mend. I didn’t want to deal with morning sickness the entire time!”

“I’m glad you’re feeling better too,” Caleb says. “You know how hard it is to be out there on the road and think about the fact that we have our pregnant wife back here?”

“Speak for yourself!” I laugh. “You’re the ones who are out there with the adoring fans, and I’m the one who is here, and pregnant, and taking care of Hendrix. You’re going to have to hire a nanny to help me out with the baby when it gets here. I’m not sure how I can do it all on my own.”

“You’re a natural mother,” Terry says. “I think you’ll be fine.”
