Page 80 of Chapel Bend

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I sit up, wrap my arms around her, and unfasten the bra, and she lets it slide down her arms.

“I know this is going to sound sexist as fuck.” I lean in and brush my nose across the tight nub of one nipple. “But I love your breasts.”

“It’s a hell of a lot better than hating them.” She laughs and pushes her fingers into my hair as I kiss and lick her chest, her perfect breasts.

Suddenly, she stiffens, and my head whips up so I can look her in the face.

“What is it?”

She swallows hard. “I think I’m going to blow chunks.”

“How romantic.”

She tries to smile, but then she’s scrambling off my lap and dashing to the bathroom. The door slams loudly behind her, and I’m left sitting on the couch, wondering what in the actual hell is happening.

Did she eat something that had spoiled at Three Sisters?

Something tells me that I wouldn’t be at all welcome in the bathroom with her, so I grab her a glass of water and a cool washcloth before going to wait outside the bathroom door. I can hear her retching, and I feel bad for her.

With the water and cloth on standby, I hurry back to the bedroom and get some comfortable clothes ready for her, shifting my focus from sex to taking care of June while she works her way through whatever has decided to make her feel like shit.

Either way, I get to spend the night with her, and I consider that a win.



Did that really just happen?

Did Ireallyjust have to abandon Apollo’s lap and all the seriously fun sexy time we were having to run—half-naked—through his house and lose all the delicious food I’d eaten this evening?

Leaning against the bathroom vanity, I stare at myself in the mirror. I look like I went a round with the champ, and it didn’t go well for me at all. If I were the referee, I’d call it.

“What in the hell is going on with my stomach?” I whisper to my reflection. “If this is a virus, it’s the weirdest virus I’ve ever had.”

I brush my teeth and splash cold water over my face before I open the door and find Apollo standing on the other side, holding a glass of water and a washcloth.

“Thank you.” I gratefully accept the water and take a long drink, relieved that my stomach has settled enough for it to stay down. “Sorry about that.”

“Do you think you ate something bad?” He looks so concerned as he brushes a strand of my hair off my cheek. He’s not even ogling my bare boobs, which is kind of sweet. “Because, if you did, we should let Mira know so she doesn’t serve it to someone else.”

“I don’t know. My stomach has been off for a few days. It’s probably an ulcer or a weird stomach condition because of stress. Or some kind of virus.”

I feel my eyes widen as I stare at him.

“Shit, if it’s a virus, I probably shouldn’t be hanging out with you if I could be contagious.”

“I’m good.” He takes my hand and leads me to the bedroom. “I have a change of clothes here for you.”

I love the way his muscles move and shift under his smooth skin, and without giving it another thought, I reach for him and pull him close.

“You know, I’m feeling alotbetter now. We can pick up where we left off.”

In fact, not only do I feel better, but also, I might spontaneously combust if he doesn’t make love to me right this second.

I don’t know if I’ve ever been this horny in my life.

“Honey, if you don’t feel well, it’s totally okay. I’m not mad or disappointed or anything.”
