Page 1 of It Has To Be You

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Trivial concepts to others, but to Indy O’Neall, they were truth.

It all started with her great-grandparents, who met when Matilda had taken a wrong turn and gotten lost on Jack’s street. She’d knocked to ask for directions and found Jack on his way to deliver a package to her father. A year later, they’d married.

Her grandparents had grown up on opposite sides of the country, but Wendy had spent the week of her birthday in Chance, visiting her best friend who attended college there. On the night of Wendy’s birthday, her friend was called in to work, and Wendy had dinner alone. At the next table, Peter had been stood up by his date. The two struck up a conversation, and Wendy discovered it was Peter’s birthday as well. They celebrated together that night. And every year until they passed.

Indy’s parents hadn’t met until they were nearly thirty, set up on a blind date that neither had wanted to go on. They’d stood each other up that night but wouldn’t know that until later. Instead, they both ended up at a bar downtown, casually competing in a darts competition. At the end of it, Anna and Andrew were the last two standing.

They still wouldn’t tell Indy who won that game.

Only that she’d been born nine months later.

There was no rhyme or reason to their family history of perfect matches, but Indy was convinced something special was at play. Though when she brought it up, she was always told “Destiny isn’t real,” and“we just got lucky.”

But she knew the truth.

Her destiny was out there. She simply had to wait for it to find her.


The fairgrounds were lit up around her, brighter than the Fourth of July. Chance’s summer carnival was the second-best way to spend sticky evening nights, filling up on cheese fries and washing them down with a mix of Coca-Cola and orange Fanta.

Summer clung to her skin, dew damp and exciting. It was a night made for memories.

Made for magic.

Across from her, pink neon cast a dreamy, rose-colored glow, beckoning her. Indy stepped inside.

She’d never visited a psychic before. Every time she’d asked, her mom had said, “You have your whole life ahead of you. Let it be a surprise.”

But Indy didn’t want a surprise. She wanted to know who her soulmate was. No amount of “you’re only sixteen; you shouldn’t be worrying about soulmates yet” would convince her otherwise.

And she hoped she’d already met him.

Her heart rate picked up as she passed over the threshold, the simple action feeling momentous. Indy couldn’t explain it, only that her feet were taking steps toward an eventuality. Only that she was meant to be here.


A sheer curtain revealed a woman about her mom’s age, another surprise, with cropped black hair and a piercing gaze. If the sign outside was correct, this was Miss Julie.

“Welcome. Are you here for your future?”

Indy bit her bottom lip and nodded.

“Come on through.” Julie waved her into the back room.

In the adjoining room sat two stools and a small table. More fabric covered the walls, making the outside world fade further away.

Indy let out a shaky breath as she settled on a stool.

“If I find out the details of my future, do you think it’s possible for me to change it?” Indy dropped her chin and played with the delicate gold bracelet around her wrist. It had been a belated anniversary gift. A family heirloom.A sign. “It’s just,” she murmured finally, peeking up at the woman sitting across from her, “I’m with this guy, and I really, really like him, and I think he really likes me. I guess I just wanted to know if we have a future.”
