Page 23 of Rebellious Reign

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“Connor, where the fuck are you?” Geo says, and I let out a sigh.

“What do you need?” I ask.

“Lucas is here, says he needs to speak to you, that it’s urgent.”

“That fucker is at my house?” I ask, anger boiling in my chest.

Geo confirms, “Yeah, I put him in the basement, but he swears up and down that he’s innocent.”

“Likely story.”

I’m seeing red as I stand. Wryn stands as well, starting to gather things up and stuff them back into the picnic basket. I watch her as Geo continues talking, but I’m not really listening. At this point, I know I’ll be returning home right now. The night is over. All because of fucking Lucas.

He should know better than to approach me. He must have a death wish.

“Get your ass home,” Geo says. “And be careful. If he’s out, there’s no telling who else is.”

“I’ll be there soon,” I say and hang up.

By the time I’m done with the call, Wryn has everything packed, and she’s standing there, holding the handles of the basket with a worried frown on her face.

I reach her and take the burden from her hands, then cup her face gently. I don’t know what’s gotten into me lately, but instead of hard fucks, I want to be careful with her. I want to savor her like a delicacy only I get to feast on.

I’ve never been sentimental toward women, including those that I had sporadic flings with. I liked Ruby fine, but I didn’t have the same emotions for her that I’m starting to have with Wryn, and that scares the ever-loving shit out of me.

I dip, pressing my lips to hers, keeping my eyes open and on hers. They flutter shut as she sinks into me, her hands coming to the front of my shirt, clutching me close.

I’m fucked. But I can’t really bring myself to step away, to let her go. She’s mine now. For better or for worse.

Isn’t that what we promised?

The ride home is quiet. I think we are both afraid to break the spell we’ve been under for the past few hours. Too soon, I’m skidding to a stop outside the house, and I jump out of the car, tossing the keys to a security guy for him to put the vehicle in the garage. I round the front, opening the door for Wryn, and she smiles up at me as she puts one leg out. I grasp her hand, pulling her up.

“There’s a basket in the back,” I tell my man, and he nods as I pull Wryn inside.

I turn to her and push a small piece of hair behind her ear. “Go to your room.”

“Excuse me?” She jerks back, away from my hand.

“Please?” I add, the unfamiliar word tasting wrong as it passes my lips.

“That doesn’t make it any better. You can’t order me around.”

My first instinct is to tell her that, yes, I can order her around. I can do anything I damn well please, but I stomp it down and watch her. I see the way her cheeks start to bloom pink with ire, and I smile at her, which is probably not the best reaction either.

“I want to know you are safe.”

“Why wouldn’t I be safe?” she asks, narrowing her eyes. When I don’t answer, she grabs my hand. “Connor, don’t let this amazing night end like this. Talk to me.”

“Lucas is here. I only want to know that you are where I can find you if shit goes down.”

“Then, I’ll be in your room, waiting for you,” she says, grinning up at me.

The mood change is a complete one-eighty, and I’m confused.

“It might take me a while down there.”

She rises on her tiptoes, bringing her mouth right below my ear. “Then, you’d better get going,” she says, turning and walking away.
